Wirral UKTA hosted a Taekwon-do competition in Moreton for competitors from across the north of England.

Fighters aged between 5 to and 60 took part.

The competition raised funds to help prepare Wirral UKTA elite level martial artists for the European Championships next month.

Young fighters make the grade

The Redgate School recently had 20 of their young Martial Artist’s take their latest grading with Chief Instructor Master Johnson, 6th Dan, writes Lee Clarke.

Members of Johnsons Family Karate turned up to offer support on the day to ensure all went to plan.

The day started with Katas, after which the day moved on to sparring with some fabulous exhibitions of semi contact sparring. The quality was top drawer.

Once the sparring was completed, a session on grabbing techniques and defending attacks was held, with all the students passing.