Welcome to Hillside Fishing Pool, Cheadle, Staffordshire

WP_000100Welcome to Hillside Fishing Pool, an 18 peg fishing pool situated in Cheadle, Staffordshire.

We are a small, relaxed fishing pool set in the heart of pictueresaque Staffordshire Moorlands. The pool is somewhere for people to come and get away from the pressures of modern life with a day’s fishing.

The fishing pool is 25 years old and is stocked with home-grown fish including Carp, Tench, Perch and Roach. The biggest fish caught is 20 pounds!

We have built a new access road to the pool and offer ample parking. We have recently completed the build of our new kitchen offering teas and coffees to visitors and anglers.

So what are you waiting for? Contact Gary on 07812 111 474 today and book your spot!