Newsletter Issue 1

Ferncumbe Friday

Friday 17th September 2021

welcome back!

Over the last two weeks it has been wonderful to see all of our pupils and parents back at Ferncumbe. We have also welcomed lots of new children and families to our school community for the very first time. Hatton Class have settled in incredibly well and are already clearly being made to feel very much part of the Ferncumbe Family! We also extend a warm welcome to new pupils and parents in other year groups.

The start of term has already presented its Covid challenges, and I want to wholeheartedly thank you for your continuing support with regular Lateral Flow Testing for both yourselves and your child/ren. You will know that we are keen to mitigate any spread of infection; our main aim is to keep school running as normal as possible for the benefit of the children.

A reminder to everyone that should your child display any symptoms at all and be unwell, we strongly advise a PCR test. Your child should then stay at home until the test comes back negative and they are feeling better.

school garden


As Mrs Twemlow’s parting gift to Ferncumbe at the end of last term, she very kindly donated a selection of plants and birdfeeders for a sensory area in ‘Our Little Garden’ - can you also spot our very own chocolate labrador?!

We continue to be so grateful to Tamson and her army of volunteers who have completely transformed the garden - it is proving a huge hit with the children!

‘Meet the teacher’ evening - wednesday 29th september

Teachers will be leading a virtual meeting outlining expectations and routines for this academic year on Wednesday 29th September 2021.

Meeting details will be forwarded to you nearer the time.

Year 1 (Haseley Class) and Year 2 (Honiley Class) meetings: 5.30pm

Year 3 (Rowington Class) and Year 4 (Shrewley Class) meetings: 6pm

Reception (Hatton Class), Year 5 (Wroxall Class) and Year 6 (Lowsonford Class) meetings: 6.30pm

Each meeting will be recorded and made available for you to watch if you request a link because you are unable to make the initial ‘live’ meeting. We also appreciate that for a very few parents meetings may coincide.

school photos

The school photographer will be coming to Ferncumbe to take individual and class photos on Wednesday 29th September 2021.

harvest celebration


Our Harvest celebration will take place on Thursday 21st October. We will be in touch nearer the time with further details.


Please do refer to the school website for all the information you need on the learning taking place in classrooms this term. Your child’s class page can be found under the ‘Curriculum’ tab.

the return of the ferncumbe Chickens


As you might have seen on Twitter or heard from your children, we are happy to announce that we have welcomed our new family of chickens to the garden. The Dove family and Paterson/Hogg family were very kind to donate towards them as both families have now left Ferncumbe. One of the most valuable memories that they have at Ferncumbe was having chickens over the years! Annabel and Lewis have named a chicken each, as pictured above. Tamson in the office has named her favourite chicken The Phantom, and then each of our 7 classes had the opportunity to name a chicken. The names are displayed above and I’m sure your child/ren can tell you what their class chose for a name. Let us know which name is your favourite!


Do look out for information emailed home today about the exciting marble run competition that Mrs Grier is running this half-term. Good luck to those who decide to enter - it looks like great fun!

our new lunchtime clubs

Every class has been given the exciting opportunity to take part in lunchtime clubs during the Autumn term. So far the children have played badminton, tried archery and even had a go at fencing! The staff and coaches have been encouraging as many children as possible to take part in these sessions to develop different sporting skills whilst also being active. There are timetables up in each classroom so the children know when their class can take part.

Mrs Eaves


Holy Trinity Hatton – Parish of Hatton with Haseley – Ferncumbe Benefice

As our vicar Keith takes the next step on his journey with his retirement this autumn, we as a Parish will be working with the Diocese to recruit our new vicar. 

A really important part of this process is to consult with the local community to ask you your thoughts on what you would like to look for in a new incumbent.

What’s important to you that they focus on in our Parish and community?

What kind of person would you like them to be? Skills? Interests? Passions?

How do you see our Parish looking in five years’ time if the new vicar has been doing all things you’d love to see?

Please send your thoughts  to Andrea at


Thank you for the many kind words I have received as I embark on Ferncumbe’s Head of School role, they are truly appreciated.

With very best wishes for a lovely weekend,

Tracey Webb

Staff Ferncumbe