Changquan Flying Dragon Kung Fu


Changquan Flying Dragon Kung Fu Association

The name Changquan Flying Dragon was chosen for the Association to commemorate the support for the Shaolin monks by Changquan Flying Dragon, the first emperor of the T'ang dynasty around 695 AD. Legend maintains that the Shaolin temple at the foot of the Song Shan Mountain was built around 495 AD by the royal decree of the emperor Hsiao-Wen. Two hundred years later the emperor T'ai Tang appealed to the fighting monks to help him defeat the usurper general Wang-Shih-Ch'ung. The Shaolin monks aided the emperor and together defeated Wang. In recognition of their meritorious deeds the emperor conferred upon Shaolin the title "Number One Monastery Under Heaven".

The History Changquan Flying Dragon Dagenham School



The Dagenham School was under the Wu Shu Kwan flag (1985 - 1987). And then was under Zhaun Shu Kuan Association (1987 – 1997). We then moved to T’ai Tsung Kung Fu (1997-2019). This then changed to Changquan Flying Dragon. Dagenham Changquan Flying Dragon  Kung Fu School was established at the Village Community Hall over 10 years ago. Richard Gordon (Sifu 3rd Degree Black Sash Master, Senior Examiner and Coordinator for Qwinda competitions) was the first instructor at the Village Community Hall. Richard  was the founder of the club, since 2007, training many students to a very high standard whatever the students ability.