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31 Jack-O'-Lanterns That Don't Deserve To Die After Halloween

So the grudge can continue haunting you IRL.

1. The grudge.

2. This spellbinding carousel.

3. This stupidly adorable etching of Pusheen the cat.

4. This ornamental witches' carving fantasy.

5. This brooding Luke Skywalker.

6. This schemin' Stewie.

7. This v accurate cat faces.

8. This spooky-romantic scene from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

9. E.T.!!!

10. This Halloween fetus that'll exit Jack's womb when the clock strikes midnight.

11. Groot and Rocket in full force epicness.

12. This Death Star pumpkin.

13. The doomed movie extra who's always first to go in a horror film.

14. This The Poltergeist scene that'll conjure spirits to your lawn.

15. The ultimate Yoda and R2D2.

16. These insanely precise scurrrry pumpks.

17. Freddy Kreuger from The Nightmare On Elm Street.

18. Agiri Goshiki and pumpkin Cheshire cat.

19. This haunted Halloweentown.

20. This BEAMING lighthouse.

21. This Cheshire Cat that's come to haunt your dreams.

22. This petaled 8-ball.

23. Aang in Avatar state!

24. This sneaky orange fox.

25. Two flexibly fly ballerinas.

26. This enchanted forest.

27. These mildly terrifying monsters.

28. This apocalyptic zombie engraving.

29. This surreal jellyfish brain globe.

30. This spiky pumpkin that welcomes the start of lifeless and cold winters.

31. And the spookiest of all: The Vag-O'-Lantern.