White-throated Robin

Irania gutturalis

Armenian Name: Սպիտակափող սոխակ
White-throated Robin

See Plate 44 for White-throated Robin and other similar species

Resident Status: Breeding bird
Abundance: Uncommon
Length:16.5 cm, Wing Span:27-30 cm
Distribution Map: Map 240.
Description: Male: blue-gray above; white throat and supercilium, black face, and orange breast and flanks. Female: brown-gray above; gray-white underparts with white throat and pale orange flanks.
Similar Species: Differs from Common Redstart by larger size, white throat, and blackish tail.
Behavior: Often stays in dense vegetation, except when male sings from exposed perch.
Habitat: Semidesert, mountain steppe, subalpine.
Food: Invertebrates, berries.
Nest: Pile of twigs in tree cavity or on stump.
Eggs: 21 mm, 4-5, green-blue, yellowish spots.