
Training on Mondays is the main club night and involves a planned and progressive programme, so all members are expected to attend. The emphasis of these sessions is on practising and developing skills, team building and tactical work so it is essential for you and your team that everyone is present.

We have also introduced strength and conditioning sessions held upstairs in the GHS sports centre. These are half hour sessions run by Wey Valley coaches, and are aimed specifically at improving core fitness and agility for netball.

Summer training

Monday evening main club training is held at Guildford High School sports hall. We are incredibly fortunate to be able to train both indoors and outdoors, and we expect all members to respect the facilities.


Satellite: Spectrum 5-6pm

U12/U13: GHS 5.30-6.30pm (fitness 6.30-7pm)

U13/U14: GHS 6-7pm (fitness 7-7.30pm)

U15: GHS 7-8pm (fitness 8-8.30pm)

U16: GHS 8-9pm (fitness 7.30-8pm)