Narrowly beaten at Pippbrook

On Saturday, 19th May, a dozen Merrow players forsook watching the Royal Wedding on TV, instead travelling to Pippbrook for a friendly of four triples.

On a glorious afternoon, battle was joined on a very fast green. Merrow soon started to move ahead, although rink 1 was having to deal with very strong opponents. A very welcome break was taken after 10 ends for tea and delicious cakes, kindly provided by Jean and Malcolm.

After the break, the reinvigorated teams got back to the business in hand. Despite Merrow winning on three rinks, Pippbrook came out on top, winning 64 – 61.

Congratulations to our top rink: Ken B, Richard D, and Colin M. Well done!

Our rearranged home match with Pippbrook will be on 30th June at 2:30, so be sure to get your names on the team sheet in plenty of time.

Here are a few pictures from the match.


Preparing for the match


Ready, steady, go!


We are under way


Waiting for the next bowl


Bowls in full flow


If you can just squeeze through this gap…


A nice smooth delivery by C Emery

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