Another amazing success – our first craft fair!

Carmen's colourful crochet stall

Carmen’s crochet stall

Market Harborough WI held their first ever craft fair today!  Another great first and held in our town’s landmark Old Grammar School.  Thanks to all concerned for their hard work, especially Patsy, Evanda, Virgina, Fiona, Ann and Sarah who braved the cold and made fantastic sales on the cake and “shop-in-a-box” stalls.

Talking of cakes!  A huge thank you for all the donations!  The quantity and the quality was amazing.

We would also like to thank all the ladies from other WI’s that supported the event.  Melton Afternoons, Charnwood WIgs and Cam City helped make the event and we hope they were pleased with their sales.  It was a great event to share ideas and support each other and we hope to do more of this in the future.

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Melton Afternoons stall

Visiting WI craft stall (3)-w500-h500

Arty Farty Tea Party from Cam City selling craft kits.

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Mel (mmade) and Jo from Cam City.

Visiting craft stall-w500-h500

Evanda checking out Charnwood WIgs.

Virginia and Patsy-w500-h500

Virginia and Patsy on stalls outside the Old Grammar School (well wrapped up on this cold day!)

Trying on hats crochetd by Clare Farquhar-w500-h500

Visitors trying on hats at Crafty Pink Giraffe, crocheted by Clare Farquhar

Old Grammar School-w500-h500

The Old Grammar School

MHWI Hobby Craft stall-w500-h500

Hobby craft group displaying items made by MHWI members

Gemma's stall with mum, Tina-w500-h500

Gemma’s art stall, with mum Tina and her cupcakes and jam (both MHWI members)