Yealmpton Press March 2023

Page 1

Issue 461 Free Edition March 2023 Bell-ringing: A Very English Art What to do During a Power Cut Now Open: YCE Community Funding Round 2023 Also available online at Parish Council & Community Groups News


4. Letter from Cllr Dan Thomas

5. What’s On...

16. Yealmpton & Brixton Community Friendship Project

17. Dementia Friendly Parishes

18. Yealm Medical Centre

20. YCA News

22. Events Diary

24. Yealmpton Primary School News

26. Monthly Walk

26. Yealm Community Energy

32. Y.C. Methodist Church

34. St. Bartholomew’s

38. Parish Council Meeting Notes

46. Local Directory, Clubs and Societies

Yealmpton Press

Managing editor: Kate Hopkins 01752 881445 (articles, obituaries, letters, diary)

Advertising: Becky Bree

Distribution: Sue Thompson

All changes to advertising and distribution by 15th of the month

Sub-committee chair: Barbara Bultmann

Committee members: Barbara Bultmann, Becky Bree Yealmpton Press is published by the Yealmpton Community Association, Stray Park, Yealmpton PL8 2HF.

The views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the publishers of Yealmpton Press.

Printed by ColourXpress

TheYealmpton Press is kindly sponsored by:
Yealmpton Methodist
Dear Reader, Best wishes til next month, Kate & the Press Team
Yealmpton Parish Council Yealmpton Primary School Tropic Breeze Travel Agency Woodland Burial Association St Bartholomew’s Church Yealmpton Community Energy

Dear Friends,

This month sees the third anniversary of the first Covid lockdown. Such a great deal of water seems to have passed under the bridge since then; indeed, much that went before has changed forever. One of the questions I was often asked at the time, particularly via FaceBook, was, “Will we have a big village party when this all ends?” Well, lockdowns did end, eventually, but we never had the celebration. Surely then, a community event involving the whole Parish is long overdue.

You may recall that last June, the Parochial Church Council at St Bart’s put on a very successful street party in Church Lane to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. This May, there will be another opportunity to celebrate as the King is crowned on May 6th. I am proposing that we hold a coronation street party (as opposed a Coronation Street party!) on the afternoon of Sunday 7th May. To that end, the Parish Council has applied to Devon County Council for permission to close the A379 on Market Street from the crossroads at the top of Torr Hill through to the area just before the turnings into the Rose and Crown and Old Mother Hubbard’s. (These businesses and the petrol station would not therefore be adversely affected).

If the County grant us permission, the road will be closed from 12-8pm that day. I apologise for failing to prewarn the residents of Market Street but in fairness, there is no guarantee that it will happen But let’s be positive and assume that they will say yes. In which case, with the blessing of the Parish Council, I am setting up an organising committee aimed at producing an inclusive and enjoyable family friendly event. It would be fabulous to have as many community groups represented on the committee as possible, so please do get in touch ( if you’d like to be involved. In my mind, I can see trestle tables the length of the road, with bunting, bbq, flowers, cakes, a bar, teas and coffees, activities for the children. Maybe live music? But those are just my ideas. I’m sure you might have other thoughts and I’d love to hear from you. Best,

• A beautiful natural woodland close to the Yealm estuary with panoramic views of Dartmoor

• For people who love nature and care for the environment

• Plots for interment, or burial or scattering of ashes

• Complete your Funeral Plan with a reserved plot

• Low cost alternative to cemeteries with no hidden extras

Letter from Dan Thomas, South Hams & Devon County Councillor : 07739 806898

What’s On This Month?


Monday 20th March

This month we have the wonderful speaker, Simon Dell, coming to us yet again to give a talk on TAVISTOCK CANAL AND ITS HISTORY

Tavistock is now Devon’s “World Heritage” town and this designation was created as a result of the Tavistock Canal and the part it played in the Cornwall and West Devon mining heritage.

Monday 20th March at 7.30 p.m.

Yealmpton Community Centre

Visitors £2.

Bring your own glass and refreshments.

The Sir Joshua Reynolds Choir presents:

Be Thou My Vision

An evening of well-loved music suitable for Passiontide.

Tuesday March 28th, 7.30pm Ridgeway Methodist Church Plympton, Retiring collection in aid of Shelterbox

April 4th Holy Cross Church, Newton Ferrers: 7.30pm, tickets £7.00 in aid of Church Funds

For further information please contact Jenny George 880730

Lighting t he Church Tower

The tower will be lit from 12th to 19th March by David Pearce, Sarah and Graham in loving memory of Xandra, who sadly passed away on 17th March 2020.

To light the tower please contact Isabel Baldry on 881402. The charge is now £15.

Yealmpton Farmer’s & Craft Market

Sunday 5th March from 10 am to 2pm and on the first Sunday of every month thereafter until July. Yealmpton Community Centre. Contact:

077130 74634

The Mobile Library returns on Thurs March 23rd from 9.30 11.30 at the Rose & Crown car park. Full timetable :

Food donations are collected on Wednesday mornings from the Parish Rooms, Bakery Square. For more info:

07706 457336

The £2 cap on single bus fares will continue throughout March, as part of the government’s ‘Bus Back Better’ national bus strategy.

The cap applies to commercial and supported bus services across Devon, including local routes to and from Yealmpton and Plymouth.


Comedy Night @ The Great Hall, Yealmpton Community Centre

A Press of Suspects have teamed up with Friends of Yealmpton Village School to host an awesome Comedy Night on Thursday 30th March, 7.30pm at The Great Hall, Yealmpton Community Centre, PL8 2HF

Featuring: Suzy Bennet: An award winning Plymouthian recently named as one of the ‘50 Coolest people from Plymouth’ by the Evening Herald.

Tamsyn Kelly: A Cornish raised comedian, actor and director who has appeared, amongst others, with Russell Kane on Rage Room (Channel 4), and Things You Shouldn’t Say on BBC3. Also performing are two up and coming stand-up comics Krishna Hurry and Ali Goodworth who burst onto the Plymouth Comedy scene last year.

£12 in advance / £15 on the door (https://

Quality Car e 24 hours a day in an idyllic location

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• Daily stimulating entertainment and activities

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• Regular visits by Chir opodist, Hair dresser, Dentists, Opticians and GP’s

• Beautiful personalized en-suite bedr ooms

• Respite and Long-term Car e

Ermington House, Ermington Nr Ivybridge, Devon PL21 0LQ

Email: | T el: 01548 830076


Holbe ton Film Club

March’s film is Downton Abbey: a new era (certificate PG, mild bad language, sex references). The Crawley family goes on a grand journey to the South of France to uncover the mystery of the dowager countess's newly inherited villa.

This is showing on Saturday the 11th March 2023 in Holbeton Village Hall. Doors open 7pm. The programme starts at 7:30pm. Tickets on the door still only £4 or £2 for those under 12 (cash only). Ice creams will be on sale for £1.

Our programme for the coming months is:

Fisherman's Friends: one and all, 12A, Friday 14th April Mrs Harris Goes To Paris, PG, Saturday 13th May


Lent Lunches 1st, 8th,, 15th,,21st & 28th March Soup, bread and cake will be served between 12 noon and 2pm in return for a donation of about £5. All money received will be sent to the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) Fund for the Turkish and Syrian Earthquake Appeal. For details of venues please call Ann on 880653.

Mothering Sunday 19th March at 10am in St Bart’s

Bring your Mums along to this special service for all the family. It will be followed by refreshments!!!

Friday 31st March at 7.30pm in St Bart’s : ‘Girls Night Out’ & The Plymouth Area Police Choir Concert in aid of the local Explorer Scout fundraising appeal (more details on adjacent post.) Please come along and join us – it sounds like a good evening. A glass of ‘Good Cheer’ will be available.


Choir Concert in aid of local Explorer Scouts

Plymouth Area Police Choir & ‘Girls Night Out’

Friday 31st March, 7.30pm St. Bartholomew's Church, Yealmpton, Tickets £7.50, (£5 under 18 ) .

Proceeds will go towards assisting six local Explorer Scouts to visit the 25th World Scout Jamboree in South Korea in 2023.

Tickets can be obtained from Richard 07775603189 or Bob 07970846992. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the young people and your support would be very much appreciated.

Harry Baumer 01752

A Taste of Italy…

A NEW Pizza & Deli

is now serving authentic Neapolitan style pizza at Ben’s Farm Shop in Kitley from 12pm 3pm daily.

Using double fermented dough, the freshly baked pizza is available with a range of toppings alongside regular specials and vegan options.

No Table Service…

polite reminder to those who enjoy the facilities in our park that table service (which includes cleaning) is not available. The empty food and drink containers will not magic themselves into the nearby (10 metres) waste bins.

So please use the waste receptacles as you would at McDonalds and bin it. There is also no need to leave your credit card as the users of this episode of littering have done! Please have more respect and appreciation of your environment. The Rambler


What could be more English than bell ringing? It seems it is peculiar to these islands. Where other countries merely toll their bells or rely on mechanical carillons, we have created the tradition of change ringing. It dates back to at least 450 years ago, and it is a complex method of ringing that is rather like weaving in sound. A simple peal is one bell rung immediately after another in numerical order: 1,2 3, 4, 5, 6. Change ringing is ringing in a set pattern and, as its name suggests, changes of sequence are made during the ringing, called out by the Tower Captain. There are great numbers of combinations of change ringing: at St Mary’s, Eccleston, Cheshire, a peal of “Grandsire Triples” was rung on September the 14th, 1911; it involved 5040 changes in sequence and took three hours and fourteen minutes to ring!

In many towers in the past it was the custom to fill a “Ringers Jug” with ale and have it ready for bell-ringing is thirsty work. After all, a ringer is responsible for something like the weight of a small car swinging to and fro up there in the belfry! These jugs were frequently inscribed, for example “Success to the hearty ringers of Tawstock” on a Devon jug.

Bells also were inscribed, as on one treble bell (which is always the leading bell) “In sweetest sound let each its note reveal, I shall be first to lead the dulcet peal.” Or, more unfortunately, as was the case on the tenor bell at Stroud parish church: “I’ll come when you call, God bless you all.” It honoured its promise too literally in 1814 by crashing through the belfry floor at a ringing practice, splitting another bell in its descent and fracturing itself, but miraculously not damaging any of the ringers!

The weight of bells is huge and sometimes towers have crashed. The ringing peal at Exeter Cathedral, for example, carries remarkable weight: more than 13 tons of metal! And Chester cathedral actually has a separate bell tower, the Addleshaw tower, to house its bells as housing them in the cathedral itself posed too many structural problems.

It is interesting to note the items felt essential to have in ringing chambers. When a ringing band was organised in 1909 for St Mary’s church, Eccleston, Cheshire, it was thought necessary to provide a hairbrush, comb and mirror. Since at that time most ringers were male, who says men aren’t vain? Or sometimes a motto would be hung on the wall of the ringing chamber as this one: “Feet together, eyes wide, ears open, tongue tied” but I can’t remember where I saw this.

Even so, what could be more English than the sound of bells calling across a sleepy Sunday morning? It is a wonderful sound, and a wonderful tradition. Long may it endure!

Bell-ringing; a very English Tradition

Original art by Anthony O’Keefe, Art in the Garden Post Office services, Greeting cards, Stationery, Art Classes

Opening Times

Monday to Friday Brixton 9am to 12 noon; Yealmpton 1 to 5pm

Saturday Yealmpton 9am to 1pm

Contact Speculation Gallery Yealmpton Market Street Yealmpton,
Speculation Gallery Brixton Old
PL8 2EA 01752 880494
PL8 2BS 01752 881617

Yealmpton & Brixton WI

The President welcomed members and visitors to our first meeting of 2023, who were given an enthusiastic and entertaining talk by Professor John Spicer, of Plymouth University, about his stay in Antarctica as part of his research into possible consequences of ocean acidification and oxygen deficiency.

Members were now looking forward to their overnight trip to Oxford and Blenheim Palace, and plans were made for a trip to Hemerdon House. Devon events were also highlighted including a walk in Topsham and the Spring Council meeting in April where the Speaker would be Floella Benjamin. Craft items had been donated for Craft4Crafters at Westpoint, 30/3-1/4/23, in aid of Children’s Hospice SW. Members were also asked to publicise and support our own SOUP SOCIAL which would be held in Yealmpton Methodist Hall on Monday March 13th, 12 - 2pm, admission £5. An opportunity for everyone in the village to get together for soup and a chat, all in aid of Hugs Children’s Cancer Charity. The Craft group continues to meet weekly in Brixton community centre, the coffee social is held on the third Monday of the month, and the walkers also meet monthly. The next meeting will be on Wednesday March 1st in Yealmpton Methodist Church at 7.30pm, when Delia Lancaster will talk about life as a costume designer. Visitors and new members are always welcome.


Thanks to Ben’s Farm Shop, on Saturday 11 February Saltram Rotary Club were able to collect for ShelterBox’s work in Turkey after the devastating earthquake. An amazing £1,327 was raised.


12.00 – 2.00


TO INCLUDE: A choice of soup and bread, tray bakes, tea/coffee and good company




Thank you to Bens and to all those who so generously contributed to this collection.

Rotary Clubs across the UK are helping to bring aid to those who need it and if you are interested in helping our club raising funds for charitable causes both internationally and locally do please get in touch with Roger King on, or see a what we do by googling Saltram Rotary Club.

Saltram Rotary Club


A project of Yealmpton Community Association

Registered Charity No. 292854

Project Update


Our befriending service continues to grow, with 2 new volunteer befrienders currently going through the application and DBS process. If you know someone who is feeling lonely or isolated, or if you yourself would benefit from visits from a friendly volunteer, please get in touch with us. There is no age restriction for our service – we know that loneliness can strike at any stage of life.

Are you an unpaid carer?

Becoming a carer can happen gradually, or it may happen following a sudden change in circumstances. For some carers their new role can feel overwhelming. Many people do not recognise that they are a “carer”, and may be unaware of the support available to them. If you are an unpaid carer you can contact Devon Carers to request an assessment of your needs. A Carers Assessment is for adult carers of adults (over 18 years) who are disabled, ill or elderly. It is an important opportunity to discuss your caring situation and identify any needs that you may have so that additional assistance can be provided if necessary. The assessment will look at how caring affects your own life. It looks at many areas including, for example, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, ability to access work and recreation. The assessment is for you - it is not an assessment of your ability to care – it focuses on how caring impacts you. You can contact Devon Carers on: Email:

Webchat – available Monday to Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-1pm

Helpline: 0345 643 4435 available Monday to Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-1pm

Coffee Morning - Our weekly coffee morning takes place in the Community Room at Yealmpton Community Centre every Friday from 10.30-12. Everyone is welcome!

If you would like to get in touch please contact me at or by phone on 07841066921.

Best Wishes


Is your business dementia friendly? Is your place of work dementia friendly?

Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm promotes awareness about dementia across our communities to ensure that people living with dementia and their families can continue to take an active and personally satisfying part in community life. This includes continuing to shop locally, using the local Post Office, going to the hairdressers, visiting a local teashop/café, having a meal or a drink in the pub and attending appointments at the dentist and GP particularly as their needs change. We, at Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm, can help local businesses and organisations in their quest to become dementia friendly by offering advice on the physical environment of a workplace and by offering tailor made free awareness sessions for staff, employees or volunteers. Did you know that a black entrance mat can look like a hole, or a shiny floor can look like water for a person with a diagnosis of dementia? In caring for the customer people living with dementia may need more time to pay at the till, or encouragement and patience in making choices so that they don’t become anxious and decide not to return. If you would like individual advice on the physical environment of your business or information for your staff to increase their awareness about dementia to improve customer care, please contact Maxine, our Project Coordinator, on 0745020631 who will be able to advise and help.

Our programme of activities for March:

An addition to our activities is Coffee & Chat 2.00-3.30pm at The Rose and Crown, Yealmpton on Friday 10th March £2.50. The Art and Craft Group meets on Monday 6th and Monday 20th March from 10.30-12 noon at Yealmpton Community Centre. There is a charge of £3.00. Our Gentle Exercise Group meets every Tuesday from 10.00-11.00pm and from 11.15 to 12.15pm at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. There is a charge of £5.00. The Walking Group meets in the car park at the end of Barton Close in Wembury every Wednesday at 10.30am. The Reading Group meets on Thursdays both face to face and by zoom from 10.30-12.00noon in the Parish Room, rear of Bakery Square in Yealmpton. There is a charge of £2.00 towards refreshments and room hire. The next Singing-along will be on Friday 17th March at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall starting at 2.00pm - £3. Carer Support by zoom is on Friday 31st March from 2.30-3.30 please call Maxine for the link.

For more information, advice/support please contact Maxine on 07450206312. Follow and support us on Facebook and using the ‘Just Giving’ button and SeaMoor Lotto

“We can’t change the person living with dementia, but we can change the experience they have in their community”

Working in the parishes of Brixton, Holbeton, Newton & Noss, Wembury, Yealmpton


Here are some pointers that may be helpful when it comes to using our service.

Ensuring we can reach you. Please have your phone switched on and be in an area of good signal to receive the call. Our policy is to try calling twice, with at least 30 mins apart and if we cannot get through, we will send an SMS advising to book another appointment. Unfortunately despite this, we still can’t reach some patients who have booked, this means less appointment availability. We understand that getting your results back is important. Results of investigations organised by hospital colleagues will go back to them first, so if you are wanting to find these results out, you should try calling the hospital team in the first instance, as it is highly unlikely that we will receive the results before they do (you should be copied into the letters we receive from the hospital). Otherwise please call after 2pm for results of test organised through the medical centre. We work alongside a team of excellent allied professionals including clinical pharmacists, physiotherapy practitioners, mental health worker, social prescriber and health and wellbeing coach, and therefore when you speak to reception you maybe signposted to one of these professionals rather than the GP. Please be assured that your GP will have full access to the clinical notes and regularly meet with the team, so continue to be involved in your care.

Following these tips can help ensure a smoother and more successful process for you and for us.


(Yealm Estuary

to Moor): Trees are on the March!

Following on from the planting of 3,000 trees at Kitley in January, YEM volunteers planted a further 500 native broadleaf trees in Torr on Saturday 11th February. Now active in each of the six riparian parishes of the river Yealm, YEM is a bold, well -founded project which works alongside environmental organisations, local landowners and government bodies in order to improve biodiversity and repair fractured habitats along the catchment of the River Yealm and so leave a lasting legacy for future generations. YEM is an inclusive community project and welcomes all volunteers regardless of age, gender or background - please check our website for more information: :

Cliff Harris, YEM

Yealm Medical Centre News: Help ing Us to Help You


South West Composting produces a natural, organic product, certified PAS 100, made by composting 100% organic green waste.

This nutrient rich, peat-free product is produced in our own facility in Brixton and contains no artificial additives. All nutrients in the compost are of a natural and slow-release form, which means it will benefit plant growth for long periods of time, without the need for frequent liquid feeds.

Our compost helps your garden by:

Improving soil structure & quality. It opens up heavy soils making them easier to work and improves light soils by increasing moisture retention.

Releasing nutrients which benefit plant growth, yielding tastier vegetables and healthier plants.

Increasing aeration within soils.

Improving plant performance by providing vigorous root growth. We are able to deliver compost to your door, or you are able to collect in person from our site (PL8 2DB)

For more information, or to arrange a delivery, please call the office on 01752 402051, or email us:


Yealmpton Community Association News

Spring is in the air, the days are finally getting longer & warmer! The Community Centre is buzzing with lots of exciting activities for anyone to come along and try. If you haven’t already heard 2 villagers have stepped forward to start 2 new groups: Badminton and Table Tennis are once again back in the village! Badminton will be on a Monday evening and Table Tennis on Wednesdays in the Great Hall.

Thanks to Dan Thomas & Keith Baldry for providing some of their locality budget to the YCA so we can buy new fit-for-purpose badminton equipment for all parishioners to benefit from! More details on the diary pages.

Samantha Pillar, Administration & Bookings

Yealmpton Community Association, Yealmpton Community Centre, Stray Park, Yealmpton PL8 2HF

01752 880388 Office Tuesday 10-2pm & Friday 1012pm /

YAGA (Yealmpton Allotment & Gardeners Association)

Whilst February 6th was still early for serious gardening, it doesn't hurt to plan ahead. Doug Palmer and David Bradford, two of YAGA's 'home grown' gardening experts, gave us plenty of sound advice and helpful hints for a successful season. From taking hardwood cuttings, growing pea shoots and dealing with dahlias, they answered members' questions with expert knowledge and good humour. Although the solution for runner bean rust (moving house!) might seem a bit drastic, and we might not get up at 3am to deal with slugs, members should now be primed for a good season in 2023. Many thanks to Doug and David for an excellent evening.

The annual photographic competition also took place, with Shirley Deeney as the winner of the 'Village Life' section, and Frances Bignell winning the 'Start/End of the Day' class (see pg 21.) Prize money was awarded in beautiful red envelopes, which celebrate the Chinese New Year. (It's the Year of the Rabbit, which unfortunately might not be such a good omen for our allotment holders.)

The next meeting will be the AGM, on Monday March 6th at 7.30pm in the Community Rooms, when the free packets of mystery club seeds will be available. Following this Keith Mason will be telling us about 'Gardens from Cornwall to Kent' on Monday April 3rd.

Visitors are welcomed at all our meetings, and we look forward to seeing you then.

Yealmpton Community Centre, Stray Park Parish Rooms, Bakery Square

YA GA Photo C ompetition 2023

Frances Bignell won ‘The Start/ End of the Day’ category for her photograph taken in Russell on the Bay of Islands , New Zealand (below, top.)

Shirley Deeney won the ‘Village Life’ category for her photo of a street fair in Milton Abbas, Dorset (bottom)


March Diary of Even ts

Wed 1st 7.30pm

Sat 4th 10 4pm

Sun 5th 10am 2pm

Mon 6th 7.30pm

Sat 11th 7pm

Mon 13th 12 2pm

Mon 13th 7.30pm

Tues 14th 9.30—10.30 am

Mon 20th 7.30pm

Thurs 23rd 9.30—11.30

Sat 25th

Sun 26th 10 am

Tues 28th 7.30pm

Thurs 30th 7.30pm

Fri 31st 7.30pm

Mondays weekly 7—9pm 9—11am

Tuesdays weekly: 10 am 6 -7.00 pm

7.30—8.30pm 10—11 am

7.30 9.30 pm

Yealmpton & Brixton WI Meeting and talk: Methodist Church

Painting Workshop, Painting with Pointillism, Sally O’Neill, Yealm Art Society

Community Centre

Farmer’s Market, Community Centre

YAGA AGM, Community Rooms

Holbeton Film Club, Downton Abbey, A New Era, Holbeton Village Hall

WI Soup Social in Aid of Hugs Children’s Charity, Methodist Church £

Yealmpton Parish Council Meeting, Community Rooms

Foundation Stage Open Morning, Yealmpton Primary School, 880446

Yealmpton Wine Circle Meeting & Talk: Community Rooms. £2

Mobile Library, Rose and Crown Car Park

Cricket Club Works Day, Danny Fay (07709495369).

Monthly Walk with Sheila Barton, Bakery Square Tel: 880596

Sir Joshua Reynolds Choir: Be Thou My Vision, Ridgeway Methodist Church, Plympton, George 880730

Comedy Night, Friends of Yealmpton Primary School, Community Rooms

Plymouth Area Police Choir & ‘Girls Night Out’ , St. Bartholomew's Church, Tickets £7.50 Richard 07775603189 or Bob 07970846992

Badminton Club, Yealmpton Great Hall, Barbara Rose & Crown Warm Hub

Bowling Club, Yealmpton Athletic Club, Colin 01752 880472

Physically Fabulous Cardio Dance – Sarah Danning 0744902880

Vinyasa Yoga – YCC, Catherine Faulconer 07985 532992

Yoga - Catherine Price 07809717651

Bridge – Terry Leadbetter 880613

Tues/Thurs (days variable) Nordic Walking : outside Community Rooms, : 07859 886131

Wednesdays weekly : 5.45 7.30 pm


Thursdays weekly: 10am—12pm 7pm

Fridays weekly : 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am

Fridays (1st of the month)

Food donations to Ivybridge Food Bank Reading Rooms, Bakery Square

Doryoku Ry Karate – Lee Coupe 07873 360391

Table Tennis Club,

Share Shed, Harford Rd Ivybridge 07516 908237

Pilates with Karen, Rose and Crown, 07747012776

Y&B community friendship coffee morning, Community room

Puppy Classes ,Frankie 07708 3626 YCC

Songs & Stories, Methodist Church, Penny on 01752 881464

Gill’s poetry group:

Sundays 10.45—12 Church 41 , Comm Centre 07449 338172


Yeea lmpton C Cric ket Club

Since its founding in 1849, blessed with a beautiful ground and a succession of expert grounds staff, Yealmpton Cricket Club has provided generations of sports enthusiasts the chance to play cricket in the summer. The history of the club could fill many pages of a future Yealmpton Press edition and thanks must be given to Yealmpton Athletics Association for their efforts in providing and maintaining this space for the community. Previous Yealmpton CC teams have been champions of the Plymouth & District League and for the past 25 years the team has played regularly across south Devon and Torbay, with social midweek and weekend fixtures for all abilities.

More recently, with the support of local parents and volunteers helping to run three different age group teams, funding was secured for grounds equipment and youth pads, bats, and helmets. The senior side continues to play friendly weeknight 20 over matches against local opposition including the likes of Wembury, Ermington, Yealm, South Brent and Holbeton cricket clubs and other local and touring sides. The season-ending social match and barbecue always provides many laughs and memories.

Like many community groups, the COVID-19 pandemic proved to be a challenge, with all team

Badminton in Yealmpton

sports suspended. In 2023, we are looking to reinvigorate the club, welcoming any new prospective players of any ability. There is an opportunity for parents to restart an age group youth team (the relevant safeguarding procedures and equipment are already in place). If you are interested, keep an eye out for an event during the Coronation Bank Holiday weekend, or get in touch with Danny Fay (07709495369). Our first home fixture of 2023 is planned for Thursday 27 April vs Ermington CC.

The club is organising a works day on Saturday 25 March in order to prepare the pavilion and ground for the upcoming season. If you are able to offer your time during the day, please email: or contact Danny on the phone number above.

Come and play badminton in Yealmpton on Mondays between 79pm in the Community Centre Hall. Pay and play £3 per session plus £10 annual membership. Costs cover hall hire and insurance.

We are a new club and welcome all players 15 years and over. Bring your own racket and shuttlecocks if you have them. Please note no session on 3rd April.

For info contact Barbara at


I hope this finds you all well. As we enter Spring, school is a wonderful place to be. The school outdoor environment wakes up from its winter sleep - the orchard fills with sweet blossom, the flower beds bloom with daffodils and tulips, and the field shakes off the frost and Winter cold, ready for an invasion of excited children at playtime and lunchtime.

Inside school, we have much to look forward to - World Book Day, Maths Parent Open Morning, Red Nose Day Mufti, Parents Eve, Walk to School Week, Wild Tribe sessions, Easter Egg Hunts, School Disco and our School Easter Service at ST Barts Church. Each class has enrichment activities planned, with special visitors or visits off site, ranging from Wembury beach, to the Eden Project and Dartmoor National Park. We are also holding an Open Morning for children starting school in September, on Tuesday 14th March – we hope to welcome both parents and children in, to see the school, meet the team, have a tour, explore the orchard and outdoor classroom and have some fun!

As I’ve mentioned on previous posts, ‘Curriculum, Culture and Community’ is what we’re about. A big part of our Yealmpton family, our Parent Teacher Association (Friends of Yealmpton Village School FYVS), is very pleased to announce a significant planned increase in it’s committee size, and hence a number of exciting fundraising and social events planned for the Community.The first of which will be a comedy night on Thursday 30th March, with five comedians planned to take the stage at The Yealmpton Community Hall! Our doors are always open to our Yealmpton family and CommunityWe look forward to welcoming you into school,

‘Be the Best you can Be’ – the BEST version of you!
Primary School: Head Teacher’s R Reflections Are you starting school in September 2023? Tuesday 14th March 2023 9:30 – 10:30am Join us for Spring craft activities and story time Please contact us to register your interest in this event: or call the school on 01752 880446 for more information Explore our exciting indoor and outdoor learning environment; Enjoy a tour around our school; Find out about our Early Years curriculum
Rob Pepper

The Yealmpton children have been out and about in our wonderful school grounds to take part in Wild Tribe outdoor learning sessions. The children have been whittling, drilling, carving, knotting and creating their very own wood art! Take a look at our talented children in action!

In addition to Wild Tribe, our youngest children have been inspired by the traditional tale ’The Billy Goats Gruff’ and they have made rafts to help the goats cross the water.


the Best you Can Be….
our website to find out more about our lovely school
Yealmpton Primary

Monthly Walk wit h S Sheila Barton

Sunday 26th March: Ashcombe Hill, Marland Cross, Torr

Come and join us for a walk on Sunday 26th March, about 3 1/2 miles. Meeting 10.00a.m. at Old Bakery Square. All welcome including dogs If weather doubtful or other enquiries phone: Sheila Barton 880596

1.Across Stray Park (FP20) to Pimple Rock

2.Cross the river & walk up Waltacre and across the field (FP17) up Ashcombe Hill

3.Cross the road (with care) take FP35 to Gnaton Lodge.

4.Turn left and straight at Lolesbury X to Marland X.

5.Turn left and take FP15 to Higher Torr.

6.Turn left then right down FP18 Torr Farm to Ford Road and back to Bakery Square.

Yealm Community Energy

Yealm Community Energy announces the 2023 Community Fund round is open!

YCE are encouraging applications for the latest grant funding round. Do you have an environmental project that needs some match funding to realise its full impact and potential? YCE have granted over £80,000 to local projects since 2018, plus £10,000 in Covid emergency relief. YCE harness the power of the sun to empower our local communities. The 2023 round is open again for Environmental Project applications. Closing date for applications is 21st April 2023.

Application form, rules and guidance is available on the YCE website:

Please read the full guidance, rules and expectation of an impact report before applying.


What Should I Do Dur ing a Power Cu t?

• Switch off all electrical appliances that shouldn’t be left unattended, ready for when the power comes back on.

• Leave a light switched on so you know when the power outage has been resolved.

• Check to see if your neighbours are okay.

• Wrap up warm.

• Report the power cut by calling 105.


Call 105 immediately to report the problem to your network operator. Keep as far away from the hazard as possible. If there is a serious immediate risk (e.g. cables obstructing a public highway), call the emergency services too.


The Priority Services Register is for people who might need extra support during a power cut; for example, people who need electricity for vital medical equipment.

If you are on the Register and you have a power cut, you should continue to call the phone number that you have been given.


Your home and street are connected to the electricity network through a substation. This connection is given a code known as a ‘Block Letter’. It’s based on where you live and how your property is connected to the electricity network.

The country is divided into many block letters. In the unlikely event that a rota is introduced to reduce power demand, most people in the same block letter will be timetabled to be without power at the same time.

You can also find out your Block Letter:

• By entering your postcode on

• By looking for the letter at the top of your energy bill. It usually appears near the supply address and will be a single letter in a box. Depending on who supplies your energy, it might be labelled ‘Rota Block Letter’ or it may not have a label.

You can learn more about how emergency power cuts work on the Energy Networks Association



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Principal Dentist: Professor Christopher Tredwin. GDC No. 72383


From Amanda.... .

Dear Friends,

And so we find ourselves in Lent. We may not have counted down the days, as with Christmas, or eagerly anticipated the gift of ashes on our foreheads, but Lent is now indeed with us. And it meets us as we welcome the signs of Spring. What a season of transformation! In fact, Lent comes from an old word for Spring – literally meaning the season of the change in the length of days. For most of us, change is a challenging experience. And we have had more than our fair share over the past couple of years! There has been much that has changed about the way we live and worship. But the Bible calls us to be a pilgrim people and so moving forwards and changing should always be our aim.

I wonder in which ways you will change during the course of this Lent. I wonder in which ways your local church will change. A season of change is indeed upon us. That may mean letting go of certain practices and traditions that we hold dear because the time has come to work differently. It may mean taking up new methods and customs because the time has come to serve differently. Lent is the season of change, may it begin with each of us, as we open ourselves to listening to the Holy Spirit and seek ways to move forward together, for the benefit of each other and the sake of the Kingdom.

As we move out of the cold of winter, into the warmth of Spring, Isaiah reminds us: ‘the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy’. Take heart, there are good days ahead –where we bloom and grow and rejoice!

Christ’s blessings, Rev Amanda Roper

Hall Hire: We love to see our premises being used by the whole community. With its excellent kitchen and cloakroom, it is ideal for children's birthday parties, meetings, and similar events. We do need to make a small charge to cover our costs Please contact Shirley on 07973 289355 for further details. Fellowship Group: Every Thursday at 7.30 pm in our warm and comfortable meeting room.

Diary for March

5th March (2nd in Lent) Morning Worship & Communion with Rev Terrry Higgins

12th March (3rd in Lent) Cafe Church and with Rev Amanda Roper

19th March (4th in Lent) Morning Worship with Gillian Higgins

26th March (Passion Week) Morning Worship with Rev Andy Chislett-McDonald

2nd April (Holy Week) Cafe Church with Rev Amanda Roper


For those of you new to the concept, Cafe Church was an experimental church movement in the 1990’s which pioneered a new way to gather and build community. At Café Church the aim is to explore life’s issues from a Christian faith perspective in a relaxed café atmosphere. It is centred on the belief that everyone’s experience of coming to church should be enjoyable and welcoming.

It became very popular, and attracted lots of people who would not think about coming to a traditional church service. Now many churches throughout the UK regularly use this model as a ‘fresh expression’ of what it is to be church. It is simply taking what you enjoy about going to a café – sitting together, eating and drinking, talking and sharing – and shaping worship around this.

At Yealmpton Community Methodist Church, we are excited to be holding‘Café Church’ style services once a month. So what does that mean? Well, on arrival you’ll see the church laid out to look more like a café space, with tables and chairs and refreshments being served. There is time to chat and get to know each other, before moving onto an activity that introduces the theme. There will be prayers and sung worship, with words projected on a screen. We look at the Bible together, and then have a go at answering questions on our tables. It is not about who knows the most – but rather sharing our thoughts and ideas, as we believe everyone has something to offer. Sometimes we will play a game or have a quiz – we want to have fun together, as well as offer a space where all can learn together and grow closer to understanding the love of Jesus.

We hope those who are already part of the life of our church will enjoy a different type of service, one that is more informal, one where you interact with and learn from each other and one where families will feel included and involved. We also hope that those not yet part of our fellowship may feel this service could be one that is worth a try! You will be most welcome and we look forward to making your friendship.

Thursday Coffee (& Cake!) Mornings

Our popular coffee mornings resume on 12th January and are available for everyone. You are welcome to join us at our church every Thursday from 10.30 am until 12.00.

It’s fun to have a get-together and a general chat about what we are doing and anything else of interest.

Do come and join us!


St Bartholomew’s Parish Church

Dear Reader,

This month’s letter is inspired by a Buddhist parable, Two Monks and a Woman. It concerns the Zen master Tanzan and one of his students. It has been adapted many times and in various cultures but the truth is universal.

This adaptation begins: Two people were on a long walk over several days. One day, they came to a deep river. At the edge of the river was a ‘real problem.’ It was sat there, moaning and groaning because it was afraid to cross the river. It asked the two people to help it across. The younger person turned his back understanding that picking up the problem would mean that they would be slowed down and it would cause a whole lot of trouble. But the older person, without a word, picked up the problem and carried it across the river. He put it down on the far side and continued his journey. The younger person came after him, nagging him and giving him grief for being so naive and getting too involved, and he went on and on like this for the rest of the day.

Finally, at the end of the day the older person turned to the younger one saying “I only carried the 'real problem' across the river. You have been carrying it all day long.” This story tells us that it is good to carry a problem as far as it goes. But when we put it down, we should make sure we have actually put it down, and, that others don't hang on to it for us. The real problem lies in holding onto the problem rather than knowing how to let it go. Many people live in this world holding issues in their hearts that never seem to get dealt with. These issues, unless addressed, fester and have lasting and crippling effects on themselves and others in their lives. Of course, in the long term this may have lasting effects on the wider community.

It is worth taking a few moments to reflect on our own lives and see what we have singled out and brought along with us over the past week, month, or even years without fully realising the effect this has had on our own relationships and ourselves too. It might be that we hold a regret, or a grudge, a piece of gossip, a sense of envy, or anger, malice, judgment or another negative reprisal that only achieves to harbour unhelpful thoughts and reactions, and sets us to sail on troubled seas the peace and harmony we are meant to build our relationships upon.

You know, life is too short to waste it like this!

If we don't recognise or understand these negative influences we will never learn to manage and deal with them and we end up walking around with 'real problems' that damage our well-being. We should be able to simply let them go if that leads to well-being. But we often cannot. Could it be that the struggle to let go comes because we try to work it out without the presence and Spirit of God? Letting go can be difficult. Letting go of people, ideas, expectations, desires; letting go of bad habits, false beliefs and unhealthy relationships… the list is endless. Every day, every moment presents an opportunity to let go of the baggage of the past, to open ourselves up to the possibility of the moment and take action to create an incredible future. We can understand this intellectually but knowing it and living it are two very different things. So how do we let God in so he can help us let the problem out?


Pray: Find stillness and a quiet sanctuary. Our mind is much harder to still than our body. Our lives are busy and fast paced, filled with external noise and distractions. Clarity best comes in quietness. Prayer, even in small amounts, will make room for Godly conversation and to listen, really listen to Him.

Understand: Take time to reflect on your own history as a third party looking in without judgment: simply observe. Understand that you are not your past. Understand that the situations and patterns and people in your life created your experiences, they didn’t create you. Knowing and understanding your past and some of your patterns will help you to recognize why you hold on and repeat self-destructive behaviours. Understanding creates awareness; awareness helps you break the cycle.

Accept: Accept your history and the people that have been a part of your history; accept your circumstances and remember that none of these define you. Acceptance is the first step to letting go and setting yourself free. Learn from the people in the story: carrying bitterness, anger or animosity burdens no one but you.

Letting go: Consciously and actively work at letting go of your story; your judgments, negative feelings, unforgiveness, all your stuff. They have no real value and serve no other purpose than to hold you back. Once you let go of this story your life purpose to be righteous and holy will open up and flow.

Believe in yourself: Believe in your purpose. Believe also in the one who will truly walk with you and help you to work through your own problems so that you do not have to carry them any longer than you have to. Believe that holding on does nothing in fact but hold you back from that purpose. Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy: You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings– what kinds of things happened to me…persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them.

Love the process: Learn to love yourself once again, love others and love this life. It is a gift from God to unwrap each and every day, to gaze upon with new and excited eyes. Be grateful. Be true: Once you have taken all these actions, just be. Here’s to letting go of the past and embracing the future.

Sunday 5 March: 09.15 Holy Communion Service

Sunday 12 March: 11.00 Holy Communion Service

Sunday 19 March: 10.00 Holy Communion Service

Sunday 26 March: 11.00 Holy Communion Service

Funeral – St. Bartholomew Church, Yealmpton

3 February 2023: Roy Clifford Leslie KENDRICK

Morning Prayer Takes place daily Monday to Friday at 9.00am, again using the Zoom application using the following link



PRESENT: Geoff Craddock, John Endicott, Keith Baldry, Dan Thomas, Linda Durman, Kate Hopkins, Rod Mackay, Cliff Tucker APOLOGIES: Sheila Barton

Cllr Craddock welcomed Thomas Guy-Fierens who took his place as Councillor.


Ofsted has published its latest monitoring report on Children's Services. Insufficient progress has been made in key areas since their inspection and some serious issues remain, but there are some positives, highlighted in the report. Levelling up funding announced for projects in Devon: 100 projects receiving a share of £2.1 billion through the Government's latest round of Levelling Up funding. Support for families as food poverty rises: the number of households in Devon unable to access or afford the food that they need to ensure that they and their families stay healthy has increased by 70 per cent in 18 months. More than a third of households say that that they plan to switch off their heating altogether this winter to help make ends meet.

There are dedicated Cost of Living webpages at


Cllr Baldry reported he was hopeful that progress could be made to create a footpath from Yealmpton to Collaton, the soundings from the relevant landowners being encouraging. Stickers for the garden waste bins will be provided by SHDC in the early part of March 2023. The SHDC waste removal vehicles will have the systems to identify everyone who has paid to be part of the garden waste scheme.


a) WORKS: Bus Stop farm shop: cleared and a trench dug around the base wall to divert storm water. Bus Stop Yealm Park: repaired and replaced lower end panel and new trims after vandalism. Footpath between Bowden Hill and Yealmbury Hill: reset 3 large paving slabs.

b) FOOTPATHS: Financial Grant application to DCC has been made.

c) HIGHWAYS: Cllr Tucker raised again householders who fail to maintain their hedges abutting public paths and roads; this was disappointing having been publicised in the Parish Magazine. Where the Council becomes aware of householders failing to properly maintain their hedges abutting public paths /roads, the clerk will write requiring remedial work be undertaken.

d) ENVIRONMENT: River Yealm: Cllr Craddock in association other parishes has written to the Environment Agency in respect of the River Yealm’s serious pollution incident of 5th December 2022. Planning is underway for a Worston River Corridor Woodland project to plant 2,000 trees. EV point in the village: Cllr Durman confirmed she would review the EV scenario with a view to exploring how the Parish might conduct an informal survey and assess demand.


e) EMERGENCY: Domestic Heating/fuel poverty - a Community Energy advice session for householders on changing to more environmentally sustainable domestic heating systems has been arranged for Saturday 18th February 10am - 12 noon at the Community Centre. Warm spaces are being provided for at least one session a week in the Rose and Crown, Monday mornings.

f) EMERGENCY Plan-The annual revision is underway to check that contact details and access information for public buildings are still correct.

g) SPEED ISSUES: Cllr Mackay will seek to reduce the capture range of our speed signs to avoid registering vehicles before the 30mph limit and investigate the cost of spare batteries to allow the signs to be deployed more often.


a) Celebration for the King’s Coronation

An application has been made for the closure of Market Street to celebrate the Coronation on Sunday, May 7th 2023, being the day after the King’s Coronation, from 12 noon to 8 pm, the location being from the cross roads by Luscombe Maye to the Rose & Crown.

b) Review of Parish Room charges

A small increase in the hire rates for the Parish Room was agreed and will be published alongside those of the Community Centre.

c) Future access to Multi Use Games Area:

There are problems with the management responsibilities for the MUGA. The Council, together with the YCA will be seeking a meeting with the Primary School to discuss a way forward.

d) Devon Air Ambulance- Clubhouse meeting of February 20th 2023.

A PR Event will be held at Yealmpton Sports & Rec Assoc Clubhouse on Monday 20th February from 4pm - 5:30pm to discuss progress and future plans.

e) Wildanet to be asked to provide free connection for both the Community Building and St.

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Nordic Walking is a great way to get fit, meet people and enjoy the outdoors. It is a form of exercise that provides both a cardiovascular and a muscular work out. I can teach you the basic Nordic Walking technique in 10 steps and 3 sessions. Nordic Walking poles provided.

Take a step forward to fitness for 2022!

Contact Sue at Llama Nordic Walking for more information: Tel: 07859 886131


British Nordic Walking Federation

Yealmpton Health Centre Reception 880567 Yealmpton Dental Practice (Not NHS) 881348 (or 07719 015290) Newsome Opticians Appointments, 881350 Yealmpton Parish Council Chair, Geoff Craddock 07774243770 Parish Council Volunteer Support Dan 07917 877706 & Linda 881070 St Bartholomew’s Parish Church Revd. Alan Ryan 880257 Yealmpton Community Methodist Church Rev Amanda Roper 651910 Yealmpton Community Association Office (now open) 880388 Yealmpton Post Office Anthony, 880494 Yealmpton Stores Fiona, 881332 Londis @ the Garage Jim & Leanne, 880336 Ben’s Farm Shop Mark, 880925 Regular Activities and Classes Contact Art Workshop: Painting in oils & Art Club Anthony O’Keefe 881617 Bridge Club Terry Leadbetter 880613 Cricket Club Danny Fay 07709495369 Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm Maxine, 07450 206312 Men’s Shed Terry Millam 07727266979 Plym Piecemakers Angela Timbrell 07918 813752 Monthly Parish Walk Sheila Barton, 880596 Rifle Club John 880233 YAGA (Allotments & Gardeners Association) Liz Prout, 881295 Yealmpton Bowling Club Bob Smith, 405996 Yealmpton Motorcycle Group Yealm Art Society Margaret Nicholls 881481. Yealm Wine Circle Carolyn, 880892 Yealmpton & Brixton W I Yealmpton and Brixton Community: Coffee morning 07841 066921 Yealmpton Twinning Association Jan Harrison Jones, 881284 Adult Dance class & Dance Fit Sarah Danning, 07588 640241 Adult Dance class, St Bart’s Andrea, 881664 Move to Music Methodist Church Hall Maxine, 07450 206312 Yoga for beginners with Cait Cait, 07702 417303 Songs and Stories (under-5s and their carers) Methodist Hall Penny 07789 869649 Rainbows and 1st Yealm Brownies Lesley, 880507 Yealmpton and Brixton Beavers, Cubs & Scouts Jack, 07860 277181
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