Sportsable Maidenhead is it Aluminium or Aluminum?


This is an interesting one… when I was a nipper Aerosols were blamed for putting holes in the ozone layer… where are we today with that? But at least, if people do insist on using them then lots of people can benefit through this programme… what are your thoughts? comment below…

SportsAble Signs up as one of the UK’s first AEROCYCLE Public Collection Points to Enable the People of Maidenhead to Recycle Anti-perspirant and Deodorant Aerosols

AEROCYCLE is a new recycling scheme from Right Guard, which aims to convert the aluminium from used deodorant and anti-perspirant aerosols into outdoor gyms whilst raising funds for SportsAble

Maidenhead based sports disability charity SportsAble has signed up as one of the UK’s first public collection points for AEROCYCLE, a new recycling scheme from Right Guard which enables the people of Maidenhead to recycle all brands of empty anti-perspirant and deodorant aerosols whilst raising funds to promote awareness of disability through sport and recreation and particularly integration of disabled and able-bodied people. People in the Maidenhead area can now drop off their empty anti-perspirant and deodorant aerosols to the public access SportsAble collection box at the Braywick Sports Ground on Braywick Road, from Monday to Sunday, between 9am and 10 pm on weekdays, and between 10 am and 5pm on weekends.

AEROCYCLE is an innovative closed-loop initiative turning recycled aluminium from used aerosol deos into outdoor community gyms. The initiative is the outcome of an innovative three way partnership between Right Guard, TerraCycle and The Great Outdoor Gym Company – who will convert the recycled aluminium supplied by TerraCycle into outdoor community gyms.

Initially AEROCYCLE will feature 50 public drop-off locations across the UK enabling local people at participating locations like disability sports charity SportsAble in Maidenhead to recycle any brand of used aerosol deos. The Maidenhead public drop-off location is located at the Braywick Sports Centre on Braywick Road, Maidenhead SL61BN where a AEROCYCLE branded collection box is situated in the hallway (ask reception).

Each public location is managed by one of TerraCycle’s volunteer public location administrators who looks after the storage and collection of the used aerosol deos. The Maidenhead location is managed by Melissa Paulden, the Marketing Manager for SportsAble who secured approval centre for a collection point to be hosted at the Braywick Sports Centre, Braywick Road, SL6 1BN. For each consignment of aerosols (approximately 400 aerosols) the Maidenhead location sends into TerraCycle for recycling £8 will be donated to SportsAble which they will use to promote awareness of disability through sport and recreation and particularly integration of disabled and able-bodied people.

Melissa Paulden, Marketing Manager for SportsAble who will administrate the recycling efforts for the SportsAble public location commented: “We are delighted that Maidenhead is one of the first communities in the UK to be accepted on Right Guard’s AEROCYCLE programme which enables local people to be able to recycle their empty anti-perspirant and deodorant aerosols and as SportsAble is a centre that is vital to the community we are a natural drop-off location for recycling. By dropping back any used aerosol deos to the collection box at the Braywick Sports Centre, Braywick Road, SL6 1BN, local people will be reducing the amount of used aerosol deos going to landfill, repurposing the recycled aluminium material to build outdoor gyms and raising much needed funds for SportsAble. So please get involved and tell your friends and family to do the same.”


Pictured above: Tia Ruel, a member of SportsAble who plays Boccia for England with the public access AEROCYCLE collection box and some of the empty anti-perspirant and deodorant aerosols they have collected so far to be recycled.

Local people can help by dropping off their empty anti-perspirant and deodorant aerosols to the AEROCYCLE collection box at the Braywick Sports Centre on Braywick Road in Maidenhead from Monday to Sunday between 9am and 10 pm on weekdays, and between 10am and 5pm on weekends.

The collected used aerosol deos will be converted to produce aluminium for use in new outdoor gyms in UK locations. These outdoor gym sites will be selected over the coming months with planned installation dates from summer 2016 onwards. The gyms will incorporate a number of pieces of fitness equipment including an energy spinning bike, energy cross trainer, energy recumbent bike, monkey bars, pull ups, dips, leg raise, stretch posts and plyometric platforms.


Pictured above: The AEROCYCLE Recycling Programme will convert the aluminium from used anti-perspirant and deodorant aerosols (any brand) into outdoor gyms.

2 responses to “Sportsable Maidenhead is it Aluminium or Aluminum?”

  1. my thoughts on this (as you asked Jonathan!)
    it’s complicated. i wouldn’t want to be down on something with such an obvious +ve charitable content but personally i try to avoid deodorant products like this (gets sniffy!) – i prefer ‘re-think the need’ to ‘re-cycle the product’ i.e. innovate upstream, as it were?
    if that makes any sense. inspiration not perspiration?

    1. Yeah, i use sea salt diluted in water… have done for nearly 10 years… became allergic to other known brands 😉

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