80 not out

80Never thought we’d get there but we have. On Sunday our membership for the year hit 80 members. Jim joined while on a flying visit from Leeds.

Our next target is 90. A century is possible as when we started 50 was a pipe dream.

The only problem this causes is when all 80 members turn up on the same day but fortunately some of our members are enjoying the winter sun in Spain & Tenerife; some are on holiday; some don’t come out in winter and some live a long way away in Wigan so we don’t see them often.

But it’s nice to hit a milestone. This sunday is members melee. Record attendance is 34. Will we beat it?

League review



On Sunday at 1pm we’re hoping to have a chat about the recent league season. This meeting will be indoors probably in the big room near the bowling greens but if we can’t get that we’ll be  in the little ‘park ranger’ room.

Anyone welcome who played in the league (or wanted to). We want all your feedback, good and bad, nothing is sacred so we can make our league teams better for the next time.

It will only take 30 minutes we hope…. We’ll play afterwards. If it’s raining we may talk longer.

If you can’t make it to the meeting you can talk to one of the league captains or email us with your thoughts at huddersfieldpetanque@outlook.com


Annual Club Dinner

annual-dinner-2016-logo-300x100This will be Friday 27th January in Greenhead Masonic Hall at 1900. Menus are in the clubhouse for you to choose from. It’s not a Xmas menu. Take one, tick your choices, add your name and return it to Sue with £10 deposit and it’s done. We have a limit of 40. On the day in addition to the meal there will be speeches, silly games and a raffle and a bar.

League Results

Tuesday 22nd November saw the final match of the Kirklees Autumn League. It didn’t have any bearing on the League winners but Huddersfield 2 lost 2-3 to Heckmondwike 2.

After the game the trophy was presented to the winners – Heckmondwike – and was accepted by Roger and Clive just before the rain arrived.


The winners won 35 of their 50 games. Mirfield 1 came a very creditable 2nd winning 33 of their games. Huddersfield team 2 were 3rd.  Full results below.

Won Pts
Heckmondwike 1 35 146
Mirfield 1 33 104
Huddersfield 2 22 -46
Huddersfield 1 21 -69
Mirfield 2 20 -79
Heckmondwike 2 19 -56

It has been a long season (10 weeks) and although most games were played in reasonable conditions the last 3 weeks saw a cancellation because of snow and a couple of matches played in atrocious rainy conditions last Monday.

Clubs should now talk with their members about the good, the bad and any other aspects of the league for a meeting in a few weeks to review the season.

Next League is planned for after Easter and will be the West Yorkshire League. Details about all leagues so far available on the leagues tab on the menu bar.

Winter Pairs Off

postponed-333-300x250Sunday’s Winter Pairs is postponed. There are only 5 pistes playable at present. The other 5 have lying water. Things will probably get worse rather than better. After consultation with Alan we have called it off.

Rearranged date when we have one.