Life Balance


While we all know that we can never live a life in complete and perfect balance, it is good to continually live striving towards it. Fill out the life balance wheel to see where you want to gain a better balance in your life.

Life Balance Categories


This is a category that you will create a Life Balance Wheel for your work/school. Decide what goes in each section of the wheel. Maybe time management, satisfaction in occupation, pay rate/wage, responsibility…
Questions will be asked to help prompt each client to bring the answers inside of themself. Where are you at in this area of your life? Is there room for improvement? Do you have satisfaction here? There is something about sharing with a group that brings us to consider, grow, and learn from. Group sessions include each client to interact to their level of comfort.


Do you have a weekly/monthly budget?
Are you living within your means?
Do you have debt?
Where are you wasting/saving money?
This is always a topic with diverse discussion.  Set goals.  Coaching is helpful to stay the course.  Ultimately, it brings us to financial freedom!


Personal care for health and preventative care is continued wellness.
Everyone’s needs are different. This area of life often starts with a need for a good accountability partner. Once you have created the healthy habit, you will be the one coaching others on to their best self.


Ready to make another Life Balance Wheel?  This session will be great for making another one.  How many sections does your wheel need?  Spouse, child(ren), parent(s), co-worker…

Is your wheel in balance?  Will you need to improve in some areas?  Are you at peace with others?   What do you need to do to live a well balanced life in your relationships?


I will not force my faith in God the Father, Jesus as Savior, and the Holy Spirit my guide upon anyone. Nor in this session will I allow ANYONE’S belief to become a point of contention.
This part of our life is so vitally important! We can not exist without it.
This session may not have as much group discussion as it will be a time for self examination, growth, and contemplation.
The questions that will be asked are for your self examination and for you to answer to yourself or to journal. Or to ignore!


What is an area in your life that you are wanting to improve in?
Do you have something that you are wanting to learn/pursue?
Do you know what your love language is?
Do you know your qualities and gifts?
This is a great time to envision, grow, and move forward in!


Where is your level on the Life Balance Wheel in this category?

Some people seem to live for recreation!!! If you are at an 8-10, that is probably you.

Do you have unfinished hobby projects? Should you take time to do them?

How often do you need to fill yourself to be balanced in this part of your life?

This could be a fun time to explore a healthy life balance here.


Some people can not control their environment.  Think of a prisoner, a child, elderly people in care homes, someone in the hospital…

Can you control your physical environment?  Do you have contentment?  Are you needing to get out?  Are you safe?  Do you need to create it to be….

Let’s create a physical environment for you, to the best of our ability.

Payment Options

If you want to have a session (or more than one session), for one-on-one coaching in any of these categories, I will happily do so. Schedule yourself in on the schedule link on the home page after you pay here.