Work with me

If you only knew how excited I am at the possibility of working with you, you would have the biggest smile on your face right now. I promise.

You see, you’re worth it. You are worthy of living in a peaceful, supportive, loving environment. You deserve great health and relationships. Your family deserves to thrive and come together from a space of love, solidarity and stability. Abundance should be yours too, and success in your business if you have one. You too should feel so proud of who you are, where you live, what you do and the services you provide to your customers.

Coming home should feel welcoming, like you’ve entered your private sanctuary – your sacred space – like everything you need is right there and opening your front door should put a smile on your face. If that’s currently not the case, fear not. We can, and we will, change that together.

Running your business should be fun, inspiring and satisfying, and it should pay off. Not only in terms of money (though this is important of course) but in happiness, fulfilment, and a sense of contribution. You should get to feel proud of what you do, the people you serve and what you bring to the table. And you should get paid well for it too.

What you can expect from working with me:

  • Feeling at home in your home
  • Better sleep and health
  • Loving your home, your family and your life
  • Improved relationships
  • More fun, more balance, more abundance
  • A work space that is supportive of your goals and dreams and makes you money
  • Feeling supported in your work
  • Knowing that your workplace is healthy and good for you
  • Happier, healthier staff that are more productive and stay with you longer
  • Working out of a place that looks and feels great

How it works step by step:

  1. We have an initial conversation over the phone where I get clear on your needs and that I am, in fact, the best person to help you.
  2. We book in a date and time for a consultation at your home or workplace. We will need around 2 hours, depending on the size of your place.
  3. I will send you a pre-consultation questionnaire that you fill out and have ready on the day of the consultation.
  4. We meet at your home/workplace where we focus on the needs uncovered in our phone conversation.
  5. I leave you with a list of things you can implement to create positive changes (Basic consultation for homes). OR
  6. I send you a full written report with recommendations on furniture placement, colours, enhancements and other changes per room (In-depth consultation for homes/workplaces).
  7. We may also get right into rearranging furniture, implementing some simple, new processes, and other hands-on tips for your home or work space.
  8. Follow up phone call where you tell me how things are going and ask me any additional questions you might have.

So there you go. This is what I do. And I’d love to do it with you.

Ready to get started?

Give me a call, shoot me a text, send me an email or fill out the form below. Whatever takes your fancy. It’ll be the same me at the end of all of them anyway. 🙂

Mobile: +61 414 498 126