JKA Summer Camp

JKA Summer Camp – Heriot Watt University

Here in Edinburgh we are incredibly lucky that the UK wide JKA Summer Camp happens every year just up the road at Heriot Watt University. 

The Japanese Karate Assocation (JKA) is the world authority for Karate and its instructors are sent out far and wide to develop and maintain the spirit of the Shotokan tradition.

This year over 250 students came from as far as Norway to gain expert instruction from Senseis Kawasoe (UK), Naito (Italy) and Mori (Japan).  Classes were usually split by grade so there was something for everyone, from white belt beginner up to advanced black belts.  The instructors rotated around the classes so everyone got at least one session with each. 

Taking classes with these Masters always improves your Karate – their technique and insight is phenomenal.  I attended a class with Sensei Naito which was given mostly in Italian – but you definitely got the message of what he was trying to say!  After 60 minutes of intense effort he told us that he was 64 years of age and that, if we continued to practise Karate, we would keep a straight back for the rest of our lives!

On Saturday over 100 students presented themselves for 1st Dan (black belt) grading and there were also gradings for the colour belts (kyu grades) and more advanced black belts.

Next year’s Summer Camp will be back at Heriot Watt in late August / early September so take advantage of this great opportunity locally!

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