Welcome to the Boughton Aluph and Eastwell Residents Association blog

Here we’ll keep a bit of a record of Village “happenings”

 Let us have your village related stories for inclusion in our “blog”.Resident Association Committee Members:

Alan Vaughan Chairman

John Faulkner

Elspeth Watt

Robert Oliver

Caroline Archer

Hugh Davies

Frank Avery

Carol Bunker

Tony Evans

Laurie Fermor

Rohan Thuraisingham

Neal Guthrie

George Watt – Observer

We would like to warmly encourage and welcome new members to the committee.  We are keen to attract new members to represent your community; we could do with toddlers, primary school children, teenagers!! Please feel free to contact us if you would like to join us or to create or promote your activity or interests to your wider community..!!   This blog is yours..!! With your help we can share your views and aspirations within your community for your community.  The blog can be used to share information on events, resources, clubs, local Parish and Council business, Village achievements, endeavour to capture collective bargaining and purchasing power, for example ‘oil’. Work towards improved neighbourhood watch schemes, campaign on road safety, and archive newsletters, useful contacts, and a ‘Village Welcome Pack’… all this as well as providing a conduit to essential links, see are link’ tab for facilities and local businesses.

Image Gallery

Consultation launched on Draft Neighbourhood Plan

The Parish Council has launched a 6 week public consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan for Boughton Aluph and Eastwell Parishes.

Neighbourhood Plans give communities a voice in future development in their area. The Draft Plan is based on residents’ responses to the Neighbourhood Plan survey and evidence researched by the Parish Council’s volunteer Steering Group. It sets out 10 local planning policies.

The Parish Council needs to hear your feedback on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan so it can strongly represent local views. You can read the Draft Plan or summary at www.parishplan.uk where you will also find an online questionnaire.

There will be three community exhibitions about the Draft Plan. Locations and dates are below.  Parish Councillors will be on hand to answer your questions.

• Sandyacres – Saturday 13 April, 10.00am to 1.00pm
• Goat Lees Primary School – Saturday 27 April, 10.00am to 1.00pm
• Iron Room, Boughton Lees – Saturday 4 May, 10.00am to 1.00pm

Comments on the Draft Plan must be received by 19 May so that they can be taken into account and any necessary changes made to the Plan before moving on to the final stage of drafting. The amended Plan will be subject to further public consultation and independent examination. The final version will be put to a parish referendum. If it has the backing of residents, it will be the Plan which must be used in law to determine planning applications in our area.

April 2019


Cricket Club: New Facilities Planned !!

Cricket Pav Residents Flyer

We at Boughton & Eastwell Cricket Club would cordially like to invite you, the residents of Boughton Aluph and Eastwell,

to join us in the Iron Room at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 7th April 2017

to hear of our proposal to replace the existing dilapidated pavilion on

The Green at Boughton Lees.


We shall provide full details of the reasons why it is necessary to update the facilities currently provided to our members and the community and at the same time we will explain how we are planning to replace the existing building with a new structure which we feel would not only provide a significantly improved local facility for the community but will also add to the beauty of The Green.


During the course of the evening we shall cover the following topics:-


Why is the current pavilion not suitable?


Can the current pavilion be upgraded?


What will a new building bring?


How will the proposed building improve the look of The Green?


Where will the new pavilion be sited?


We would very much like to involve the residents of the village at this early stage and hope you will be able to come along and join in the discussions with your thoughts and we will also be glad to respond to any questions you may like to raise.


We are confident that our proposal will provide a modern visually attractive facility for the club and the village that is both fit for purpose whilst encouraging children and adults alike to want to participate in cricket on The Green for another 200 years, and we would very much welcome your input and support in achieving our objective and being part of this exciting new chapter for the club and village.

Christmas Bazaar

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR  and coffee and cakes!

 in the IRON ROOM








**** FREE ENTRY ****





Village Singalong Monday 7.30

Singalone Practice Every    

Monday starting 7th November Flying Horse Pub

7.30-9.00pm everyone vwelcome!

♪♪In preparation of our Village Carol Singing ♪♪

On The Sunday 11th December 4.30 pm

Flying Horse Pub, Boughton Aluph







Saturday 26 November at 7.15 pm for a prompt 7.30 start

in the IRON ROOM on the Green at Boughton Lees


Teams of four (entry fee of £10 per team) all very welcome – please sign up your team by 12 November on the village notice board near the Flying Horse (beside the pillar box) or by emailing nigelbunker68@btinternet.com.

Please bring your own bottles and nibbles to sustain you at least until half time when buffet food and refreshments will be served.


Further information: 01233 620000 or 640357

Village Cricket Match BBQ

BBQ Poster Advert draft

Village Cricket Match

The Green, Boughton Lees


Sunday 31st July 2016, 2.00 p.m.

Barbecue and raffle


The annual Village Cricket Match will be held on the Green at Boughton Lees on Sunday 31st July, starting at 2.00 p.m. and will be run jointly by the Iron Room Management Committee and the Cricket Club.

As usual, there will be a barbecue and raffle and we hope that an early afternoon start means we won’t have to worry about fading light or falling temperatures – with luck players and spectators may even enjoy some summer sunshine!

This will be a fun game and is suitable for children aged 11 and under, their families and other villagers. All equipment will be provided, but experience and ability are not essential requirements! We will work out the format of the game depending on the mix and number of players.

If you’re interested, please sign up on the poster on the Notice Board outside the Cricket Pavilion, contact Simon Richardson on 01233 50300 or email simonrichardson53@btinternet.com

Cantiacorum Community Choir

Cantiacorum Choir 30th July 2016

Cantiacorum Choir 30th July 2016

2nd May 2016 The Five Church Walk

Full details including maps and entry forms can be found at http://www.thefivechurchwalk.co.uk



2nd May Five Church Walk… walking or helping??

May has arrived. What does it mean in our Parish?
Lots to do. Our spring migration from St Christopher’s to All Saints later in the month but first The Five Church Walk. Boughton has taken part since the beginning and changes have taken place .This year the route to Godmersham has changed. This will add new interest for the seasoned walkers who come each year and a relief to those who remember the long drag uphill from Godmersham. What ever the weather people come to enjoy the walk AND the food at the churches. Although many walk in pairs or groups there are solitary walkers. Many start as such but soon link up in friendly conversation.
Lots of people are involved in the organisation of the Walk. This year the splendid website has moved us into the digital age but not yet into the virtual state. At Boughton as well as contributing the secretarial skills to the Committee we cook and serve food, register in walkers and mark the route. It is a real team effort.
For the 2nd May Bank Holiday we feed a large group from St Martin-in-the-fields who are following the Pilgrim route to Canterbury. This time it is sandwich making.
If you are reading this and feeling that you would like to be part of the team or would like to do some cooking please contact Clare. Unfortunately a change that we cannot stop is age and we do need some new helpers. If you are new to the village it is a good way to meet friendly faces.
All Saints is a fantastic Grade 1 listed building but it is what goes on inside which gives it life.
Come and join us. Services start there on May 22nd at 9.30am.

Clare Hardwick and Rita Hawes
Sent from my iPad

Neighbourhood Plan Survey

Speech bubble NPS date orange

There’s just a few days left to fill in the Neighbourhood Plan Survey.

It’s easy to fill it in online at www.parishplan.uk/2030. We’ll call to collect completed paper copies of the survey after 17 April. Call us on 01233 332602 if you need assistance.

Please don’t miss this important opportunity to have your say on how our community changes and grows over the next 15 years. Your opinion counts.

Further information on the Neighbourhood Plan Survey can be found here.

Thank you for your help.

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group on behalf of Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish Council