Race Committee Tool Kit

Thank you for volunteering to serve on Race Committee and being an essential part of AYC’s on-the-water activities. Please review the information below, including “The Basics,” the relative “Lake Information,” and the “Common Stuff.”

SAFETY NOTICE: Life jackets should be worn at all times when aboard the powerboats. This is good seamanship and protects you and others in the event of an emergency.

All mark-set boats need at least two adults aboard, and if high winds are predicted, a third adult should be aboard. Three people are better than two in water rescue and capsize situations since one person needs to drive.

Any safety concerns or issues should be reported to our AYC Safety Chair at Safety@arizonayachtclub.org

THE BASICS – Powerboat Operators, Boat Checklists, Scoring (click to expand)

APPROVED POWERBOAT OPERATORS: This page lists all the folks who have successfully passed the safe powerboating coursework and on-the-water practical. Feel free to contact those newer operators and offer to take them aboard for some practice.

COMMUNICATE WITH THE LAKE CAPTAIN FOR EACH LAKE: Below are boat checklists for communicating the condition and issues of boats used during racing. Each operator should print the relevant form, complete it after each race, and email it to the Lake Captain at the end of the day—taking a picture of the checklist is quick and easy.

RACE SCORE DUTIES: Each fleet serving on the Race Committee is responsible for sending or handing the scoresheets to the scorekeeper for the lake. See the results page for more.

LAKE PLEASANT INFORMATION – Videos, Charts, Directions (click to expand)

Video: Setting Race Marks at Lake Pleasant (7 minutes) Required viewing by anyone aboard the mark set boat (Whaler)

You need to know how to handle the race marks and the anchoring system—and doing it wrong will make a complete mess that someone else will have to fix. Lake Captain David Newland and his son Josh created this video to show how it’s done correctly.

Video: Arizona Yacht Club Sailboat Racing – Lake Pleasant (3 minutes)
Mike Ferring produced this short introductory video about the club’s racing at Lake Pleasant.

Video: Swanage Sailing Club – Sailboat Rescue and Safety Training Video (15 min) Please familiarize yourself with rescue procedures.
This video includes how to right a capsized boat: small, large, and catamarans; towing, retrieving a person in the water, dropping safety crew to help; acting fast to avert danger; and handling injuries.

Lake Pleasant is less than one hour north of central Phoenix. If you’ve never been there, plan at least 90 minutes to get there, take the shuttle to the Valet Dock, and get settled for departure. Here are directions to Lake Pleasant.

TEMPE TOWN LAKE INFORMATION Video, Charts, Directions (click to expand)

The Race Committee uses one of two boats docked in the TTL Marina to set marks. The boats are owned by ASF and used during AYC races. Please use the TTL Powerboat Checklist when operating either boat. If you have a maintenance issue, please submit the comprehensive list to the TTL Lake Captain George Sheller

Video: Swanage Sailing Club – Sailboat Rescue and Safety Training Video (15 min) Please familiarize yourself with rescue procedures.
This video includes how to right a capsized boat: small, large, and catamarans; towing, retrieving a person in the water, dropping safety crew to help; acting fast to avert danger; and handling injuries.

Tempe Town Lake Marina is plunked down in the middle of metro Phoenix, bordered on the north by Route 202. Here’s more information and directions on how to get there.

THE COMMON STUFF: Race write-ups, Photos, Protests (click to expand)

Race Write-up and Photos
The person serving as PRO is asked to identify someone from their fleet to take a few pictures or do a brief write-up on the day’s event.

To submit photos, click here for instructions or go to the “Share Your Photos” details under the top menu “Other.”

After uploading, please submit your write-up and a notification of your upload to the club communications team.

Protest or redress hearings are conducted online. Hearing requests must be filed according to the Sailing Instructions using the US Sailing app, the form linked below, or by sending a simple qualifying email to the Racing Captain.

Hearing Request (Protest) Form (PDF)

Arizona Yacht Club Fleets
Arizona Yacht Club has several fleets, each active with many boats and good sailors. See the fleet page here.