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Last Updated: Thursday, 1 June 2006, 10:56 GMT 11:56 UK
Three up for Big Brother eviction
Big Brother nominees Richard Newman, Lea Walker and Sezer Yurtseven (l-r)
Richard, Lea and Sezer were nominated by their housemates
Big Brother housemates Richard Newman, Lea Walker and Sezer Yurtseven face eviction following the second round of nominations in the reality TV show.

Canadian-born waiter Richard, 33, received four nominations, while Lea, 35, and Sezer, 26, received three.

Two housemates, Sezer and Imogen Thomas, were banned from nominating after they discussed voting tactics.

Bonnie Holt was the first contestant to be evicted last week. Two housemates have left and Dawn Blake was ejected.

Dawn was thrown out by producers who claimed she broke a rule banning communication with the outside world.


She says she was misrepresented on the programme and has gone on hunger strike to obtain footage of her time in the house, which she says will support her claims.

Shahbaz Chaudhury, 37, walked out of the show after five days while George Askew, 19, left on Tuesday.

Two replacement contestants, Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace, 27, and Sam Brodie, 18, entered the house on Monday.

Both were immune from this week's nominations, and were also excluded from the voting process.

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