Saturday, February 26, 2005

Posting Comments

I have been taking advice on the Posting of Comments on this Blog from fellow bloggers. In future, any comment from an Anonymous person which contains any level of personal abuse or criticism as opposed to political criticism will be automatically deleted. If people are going to hide behind the cloak of anonymity in order to hurl abuse, they can now think again. I am quite happy to continue to put my head above the parapet and enter a dialogue with people, whether or not they live in North Norfolk, and there are no other candidates out there doing this so far as I am aware, but there are limits. Please respect them.


  1. I think Kevin Davis, the Tory candidate for Kingston, does Iain. However, Antony Little - Conservative for Norwich, doesn't.

  2. Mike Bell - LD candidate for Woodspring (Soemrsaet) does.

  3. I hate censorshop of any kind. If the heat in the kitchen is too strong for you, you should get out of the kitchen. I won't be contributing any more to your site, which means that it will probably revert to the bore it was. Still your narcism and self delusion will be in full flow and anyone who happens to chance upon it will see you for what you are. A self publicist with little real depth and a friend called Mr Davies.

  4. Very petulant Robb. V. disappointed in you.

  5. Thank God he's gone.
