Synodontis granulosus is a species of upside-down catfish endemic to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Zambia, and Tanzania, where it is only ...
Apr 21, 2001 · S-shaped and movable in the lower jaw. These fish produce audible sounds when disturbed rubbing the base of the pectoral spine against the ...
Common name: Synodontis granulosus. The genus Synodontis has gone through a recent gender change — meaning that synos with names ending in 'us', now end in 'a'.

Synodontis granulosus

Synodontis granulosus is a species of upside-down catfish endemic to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Zambia, and Tanzania, where it is only known from Lake Tanganyika. Wikipedia
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Synodontis are omnivorous and are most unfussy in terms of feeding. Frozen, live and dried foods are all accepted. It also relishes vegetable matter.
The Granulosis Cat displays a unique coloration. They get a deep gray color with dark black spots and awesome white tipped fins. They max out arouns 10".
Rating (2) · $199.99
Synodontis Granulosus Wild. 5.0 star rating. 2 Reviews. Regular price $199.99 USD. Regular price $352.99 USD. Sale price $199.99 USD.
The Granulosus Catfish is endemic to Lake Tanganyika, where it is most abundant at depths between 20-40m (66-131ft).
$349.99 Out of stock
Synodontis granulosus | Healthy, happy, quality tropical freshwater aquarium fish for sale online! Flat rate shipping and quick order turn around.
In the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species it has a tag of Least Concern. Lives in areas of shells, sand and mud/silt, over a wide depth range, but more often ...
Best kept in a tank of 125 gallons (500 liters) or more. May become reclusive and aggressive in tanks smaller than 70 gallons (250 liters).