$65.99 Out of stock
The Gold Stripe Cory Catfish is a very peaceful schooling fish that is compatible with most nano aquarium animals, including dwarf cichlids and angelfish. It ...
The tenth unidentified Corydoras species is of course the beautiful CW010 from Peru commonly known as the "Gold Laser" (sometimes referred to as the Orange ...
(2,472) · $29.99 · In stock
CW010 Gold Laser Cory (Corydoras sp.) for sale from Dans Fish at $29.99 each. Shipped Next Day Air.
$22.99 to $26.99
The Orange Laser or Orange Stripe Cory is one of the most vividly colored fish in its genus, with an unmistakable fluorescent orange stripe.
Corydoras with neon-red stripe along each side of the back. Sexing Looking at the fish from above, the female is widest at the center of the body.
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How big do gold laser corys get?
Are gold laser Corydoras male or female?
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What is the prettiest corydora?
CA$29.99 to CA$34.99
The Gold Stripe Cory Catfish (Corydoras sp. CW010), also known as the Gold Laser Cory Catfish, is a relatively newfound species that is native to Peru.
$39.00 Out of stock
The Albino Gold Laser Corys (Corydoras sp. CW010) stand out as one of the most captivatingly colored catfish species worldwide.
The Gold Laser Corydoras originate from the lush upper Amazonian Rainforests of eastern Peru. This species finds solace in the calm and shallow waters of ...
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