C. melanotaenia is unsurprisingly the more elongate fish overall, and has a distinctive golden/yellow tinge to the fins.
In the wild, they can be found in cool, shallow, tannin-stained areas of the Rio Meta basin in Columbia and do best if these conditions are replicated within ...
Dec 13, 2017 · These fish are incredibly docile, very peaceful and are a wonderfully easy fish to own. However it is a remarkably little known fact that ...
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Origin: WILD. Geographic Range: Upper Amazon River, South America. Diet: carnivorous, scavenger, will eat prepared frozen food and sinking pellets.
Introduction. Corydoras melanotaenia, commonly known as corredora verde, is a fresh water fish from the Amérique du Sud. This sheet is currently being prepared.
Green Gold Cory (Corydoras melanotaenia) for sale from Dans Fish at $10.99 each. Shipped Next Day Air.
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A popular and brilliantly colored species of Corydoras found throughout much the Meta and Orinoco basins in Colombia and Venezuela.
As of the latest update Corydoras melanotaenia has now been placed in Lineage 7 and has the new genus name of Osteogaster (2024). Common Name. Green-Gold ...
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