A beautiful and larger growing species of Corydoras only recently introduced to the hobby, CW049 Black Diamond Cory is found in the upper Rio Negro and Uapes ...
Missing: C049) | Show results with:C049)
Diet: A good quality flake food and tablet food for adults with sporadic feedings of frozen or live food will keep your Corydoras in good health.
This new species (2010) is being exported out of Leticia in Colombia which lies on the border between Colombia, Brazil and Peru. is the biggest online knowledgebase for Corydoradinae Catfish. Become a member today for unlimited access to our data, reports and images.
$44.99 Out of stock
Origin: WILD. Geographic Range: Columbia. Diet: carnivorous, scavenger, prefers mixed diet of flakes, tablets, frozen and granular foods.
$29.99 Out of stock
Corydoras sp. | Healthy, happy, quality tropical freshwater aquarium fish for sale online! Flat rate shipping and quick order turn around.
Apr 29, 2007 · Corydoras are identified by their twin rows of armour plates along the flanks and by having fewer than 10 dorsal fin rays. They are most ...
$25.99 to $34.99
As with all Corydoras, they are a shoaling species that should be kept in a group of at least 5 fish and will do well with nearly any non-aggressive tankmates.
Missing: C049) | Show results with:C049)
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