Set in 1984 during the Cold War, the film follows Diana and her past love Steve Trevor as they face off against Maxwell Lord and Cheetah.
In short, Wonder Woman 1984 is a Suicide Squad-level offering wrapped in bright colours. One of the dullest films of 2020.
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Why did Wonder Woman 1984 flopped?
Why did no one like Wonder Woman 1984?
Is Wonder Woman 1984 a hit or flop?
What was the point of Wonder Woman 1984?
Wonder Woman 1984 is a technicolor, lighthearted romp through the era of Jazzercise, big hair, and even bigger shoulder pads.
Watch Wonder Woman 1984 on Max. Plans start at $9.99/month. Fast-forward to the 1980s as Wonder Woman's next big screen adventure finds her riding lightning ...
Fast forward to the 1980s as Wonder Woman's next big screen adventure finds her facing a wide array of foes including: Max Lord and The Cheetah.
Jan 15, 2021 · The sequel to the 2017 hit finds Diana Prince, a.k.a. Wonder Woman, pining for love and saddled with a movie unworthy of her.
· Review by Sandie Angulo Chen
Aug 8, 2024 · Wonder Woman 1984 is a really good movie with positive role models, but beware because it has some scenes you might not want your child to watch ...
Fast-forward to the 1980's as Wonder Woman's next adventure finds her facing a wide array of foes, including Maxwell Lord and Cheetah.
Jan 29, 2021 · The special effects are well done and don't overwhelm the acting or plot. The movie includes excellent performances by Wiig, Pine, and Pascal.
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