Slartibartfast is a character in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a comedy/science fiction series created by Douglas Adams.
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Slartibartfast is a Magrathean traveller and former designer of planets who specialised in fjords. An often tired and confused man, he was most unhappy with his ...
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Slartibartfast: Earthman, you must realize that the planet you lived on was commissioned, paid for and run by mice.
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Slartibartfast is an old man who lives on Magrathea. Like his fellow Magratheans, Slartibartfast is a custom planet designer.
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Slartibartfast is a venerable Magrathean planetary designer. He specialises in Fjords. He won an award for Norway.
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Sep 29, 2020 · Slartibartfast, designer of planets, won an award for the Norway fjords, and I have to agree – they are spectacular.
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Slartibartfast has two very simple roles: (1) He's the Magrathean planet designer who tells Arthur all about the real story of Earth.
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Slartibartfast is a Magrathean, and a designer of planets. His favourite part of the job was creating coastlines.
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A designer of planets, Slartibartfast plans out coastlines and oversees the development of new mountains.
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Slartibartfast: [talking about the Earth] Best laid plans of mice. Arthur: And men. Slartibartfast: What? Arthur: Best laid plans of mice and men.
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