Mar 18, 2011 · His other theories why there isn't any looting in Japan include the police presence and organised crime. "Police aren't the only ones on patrol ...
Jan 8, 2015 · "Looting simply does not take place in Japan," says Gregory Pflugfelder, an expert in Japanese culture at Columbia University.
Mar 16, 2011 · A summary of the reasons is as follows: Discipline, politeness, consensus, obligation, order, and good behavior.
Mar 15, 2011 · Because Japan has a shame based society and you don't want to do anything that will bring shame on you or your family.
Mar 17, 2011 · The idea that there is no looting in Japan is just the positive side of the standard stereotype about how Japanese people are cold, emotionless ...
Mar 16, 2011 · Japan has experienced “no looting.” Perhaps that is true, and perhaps that is largely due to the Japanese character.
Mar 14, 2011 · Responding to tragedy, the Japanese have resources because they are rich, and it was their social solidarity that helped get them there. HT ...
Mar 27, 2011 · One person suggested the Japanese didn't loot because they had more faith in their government to provide for them during a crisis. Hmmm. I doubt ...
Mar 14, 2011 · Self preservation takes precedence over all else. Japan isn't out of the woods yet, deity the nuclear reactors. No one is bothering to think ...
Looting is more likely to occur when groups of people feel they have been abandoned or trapped and anarchy results, or simply when people are ...