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Owing a debt to French writers from La Fontaine to Proust, the three fable-like tales in The Bear and the Paving Stone are stories of loss, memory and a longing to belong.
shoji ueda dunes from
The first book-length introduction to the Yayoi and Kofun periods of Japan (c.600 BC-AD 700).
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This volume concentrates on Bashō's travel journal, literary diary (Saga Diary), and haibun.
shoji ueda dunes from
The complete work is, nerstone of 100,000 objects and only three years later of course, a thoroughly revised and considerably en in November 2008 we are even faced with minor planet larged data collection and every e?ort has been made ( ) ...
shoji ueda dunes from
This process has expanded to an extent where any discussion of Japanese photography now has to include the book work.
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Reimagine your favorite works of art from Claude Monet and other impressionist artists with this inspired coloring book.
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This unique collection of photographs features over ten years of collaborations with the most important space and research centers in the world, resulting in a one-of-a-kind story of the human race to the stars.