... reaction . Oxidation in the piperidine ring gives a new iminium species , and this can react further with a second molecule of benzoylacetyl - CoA , again via a Mannich reaction . Naturally , because of the nature of the side - chain ...
... React naturally . • See a garbage pail , take the top off , and smell it . React naturally . • See some freshly baked cake , pick up a piece , and smell it . React naturally . Add your own : • See a fish market . ( action - reaction ) ...
... Natural Reaction . It will be noticed that no specific directions are given in the text as to O's manner of re- acting in this experiment . He is left to face the situation in his own way , to react naturally . ' Now we saw above , pp ...
... reaction to Bulletin No. 28 is this : A strong desire to come to the defense of history ; and it seems to me ... naturally to them . " Children do react to these stories . So do I ; so do you . I have three books at home that I ...
... REACTION MOVEMENT IN RELATION TO THE INSTRUCTIONS . SECONDARY IMPULSES The instructions given to the reagents were mainly in two forms , viz .: ( 1 ) . React naturally as quickly as possible . ( 2 ) . React energetically as soon as your ...
... Natural degradation processes continuously react with cyanide , both in the heap and solution ponds . The degree and rate of natural degra- dation of cyanide in the heap is largely controlled by the mineralogy of the spent ore , type ...
... react naturally to the fact , even though the fact was not realized ? Or did I merely register the emotions of a woman being murdered ? Certain of our psychologists are disposed to credit examples like the above to some other- wise ...
... react naturally , the symptom is favorable , if trephining is immedi- ately performed . If the pupils do not react , the prognosis is not as favorable . One pupil may be found dilated and the other contracted . This , with other ...
... respond with tension and stiffness. On the other hand, if you are aware of the kind of feelings you want to emanate, your body will react naturally and freely, as the emotions-body relationship is as close as the mind-body relationship ...
... react naturally and normally when subjected to unusual and trying situations . The natural state of the hands , most of the time , is relaxation and repose ; yet it was necessary to prescribe certain definite physical exercises to ...