Rhoda Willis was convicted of the murder of a newly-born child called Treasure. She asphyxiated her on a train between Llanishen and Cardiff on 4 April 1907. She was also known as Leslie James. Rhoda Willis placed an advertisement in the Evening Express newspaper offering her services as a housekeeper.
The body of a newly-born male child was found in the Grand Union Canal at the second lock at Aylesbury wrapped up in a parcel floating in the water.
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The body of a newly-born child was found in the box of a domestic servant at her lodgings in Deal.
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... ALLEGED CHILD MURDER BODIES OF FOUR INFANTS FOUND AT KENSAL RISE ... Published: Monday 09 September 1907. Newspaper: Nottingham Journal County ...
DAY, Louisa (26, servant) ; murder of her male child. Sir Charles Mathews, Mr. Arthur Gill, and Mr. E. C P. Boyd prosecuted; Mr. Curtis Bennett defended.
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Jan 12, 2021 · A woman of Whitechapel with a five-day-old baby on her knee sits shivering before a meagre handful of firing In a grate. Three other children form the family ...
... SUSPECTED CHILD MURDER. The Metropolitan Police have in custody, Kenaalrise, young woman, aged 26. a domestic servant, on the charge of murdering an infant ...
Rating (2) · £9.64 · In stock
Unsolved True Crime Cases from 1907. Contains 65 cases (30 babies) including the murder of Emily Dimmock in Camden, the shooting of Lillian Beatrice Earley ...
Dec 5, 2023 · Henry Augustus Berney, a Swiss cook, was again brought up at Westminster Police Court on Saturday charged with the wilful murder of a child about January 14th.
Missing: Infant | Show results with:Infant
More Ignorant and Stupid than Wilfully Cruel': Homicide Trials and 'Baby-Farming' in England and Wales in the Wake of the Children Act 1908 ; dc.contributor.