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A fantastic resource for people that need a categorical reference for all unsolved murders and mysteries from 1943. ... Florence Paul Child Baby Baby Mary ...
Contains all known unsolved murders and mysteries from England, Scotland and Wales in 1943. A fantastic resource for people that need a categorical reference ...
The first murder victim is a friend of her hosts' daughter. As Gina socialises and shops and goes to stay in the country the death and the subsequent ...
Marco Vichi's fourth Inspector Bordelli novel, Death in Florence, is published by Hodder in August and apart from cleaning up on all the crime-writing ...
Your search results for murder: 633 newspaper articles contained information about murder filtered by: Newspaper title: Hampstead News Date from: 1st Jan ...
The memorial stone, placed in 2007 by the city authorities honours Gerhardt Wolf, the German Consul in Florence ... murderer in Auschwitz in the winter of 1943?
11 · Snowballs of Death · Paul Twitchell · ss Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine March 1947; 17 · Unremembered Murder [Race Williams] · Carroll John ...
Details of births, marriages and deaths of Scottish people in other countries are held in the National Records of Scotland. Birth, marriage and death registers ...
Nov 26, 2014 · Axe murder victim 'told police about death threat from youths' ... The family of a handyman killed with an axe after confronting thugs who abused ...
Nov 30, 2022 · He then proceeds to murder his guest, ransack his pockets, steal the diamonds he finds, and dump the body on the nearby railway line, attempting ...