The rotation curve of a disc galaxy is a plot of the orbital speeds of visible stars or gas in that galaxy versus their radial distance from that galaxy's ...
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3. Rotation curves of galaxies are flat. The velocities of objects (stars or gas) orbiting the centers of galaxies, rather than decreasing as a function of ...
By the same argument the flat galactic rotation curves seem to suggest that each galaxy is surrounded by significant amounts of dark matter.
The simplest interpretation of a flat rotation curve is that based on the assumption the dark matter is spheroidally distributed in a 'dark halo'. For a ...
Jun 18, 2024 · Rotation curves become flat at large radii is one of the most famous results in extragalactic astronomy.
Jun 17, 2024 · He found that the rotation curves of galaxies remain flat for millions of light years with no end in sight.
Jun 17, 2024 · New, groundbreaking research shows that rotation curves of galaxies stay flat indefinitely, corroborating predictions of modified gravity theory as an ...
By 1974, the flat rotation curves obtained by radio astronomers had done much to establish the existence of large amounts of mass in the outer parts of galaxies ...