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Vapers & Hookah Smokers Exhale Through Nose More Often Than Cigarette Smokers
NYU Langone Health
People who smoke e-cigarette and hookah are more than twice as likely to exhale particles through their nose compared with people who smoke cigarettes.
31 months ago
Exhaled breath compositions under varying respiratory rhythms reflects ventilatory variations: translating breathomics towards respiratory medicine
Our findings will have immense impact on pulmonology and breathomics as they have revealed a reproducible pattern of ventilatory variations and respiratory...
49 months ago
COVID patients breathe large amounts of virus early on
Northwestern Now News
COVID patients exhale high numbers of virus during the first eight days after symptoms start, as high as 1000 copies per minute, reports a...
13 months ago
Exhaled Pounds: How Fat Leaves the Body
NBC News
84 percent of the fat that is lost turns into carbon dioxide and leaves the body through the lungs, whereas the remaining 16 percent becomes water.
117 months ago
Respiratory vagus nerve stimulation (rVNS) counteracts fight-or-flight stress.
Psychology Today
Longer exhalations during each cycle of breathing in and out can combat fight-or-flight stress responses by hacking into the autonomic...
4 months ago
Breathing exercises to lower your blood pressure
Harvard Health
Short stints of deep, slow breathing can help calm the nervous system. Slow breathing—six to 10 breaths per minute—features a prolonged,...
13 months ago
'Exhalation' System Improves Symptoms of Chronic Sinus Infections
Penn Medicine
An exhalation delivery system that uses a patient's own breath to carry the anti-inflammatory compound fluticasone (EDS-FLU) directly to the sinuses reduced...
8 months ago
Infectious virus in exhaled breath of symptomatic seasonal influenza cases from a college community
Our findings, that upper and lower airway infection are independent and that fine-particle exhaled aerosols reflect infection in the lung, opened a pathway for...
31 months ago
Exhaling Earth: scientists closer to forecasting volcanic eruptions
UNM Newsroom
DECADE leader Tobias Fischer (University of New Mexico, center) and graduate students Nicole Thomas (left) and Hyunwoo Lee (right) during a...
96 months ago
Neonatal Exhaled Breath Sampling for Infrared Spectroscopy: Biomarker Analysis
ACS Publications
Infrared spectroscopy was used to analyze exhaled breath from 71 neonates with a special emphasis on preterm infants, as a noninvasive, noncontact, and...
3 months ago