essay on the rational comprehensive model from
In this book, the author shows that it is necessary to enrich the conceptual frame of the theory of rational choice beyond consequentialism.
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This expanded collection of essays astutely points out the limits of "reason" in rationalist politics.Oakeshott criticizes ideological schemes to reform society according to supposedly "scientific" or rationalistic principles that ignore ...
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Essays concerned with fundamental issues of rational commitment and social justice to which Kavka devoted his work as a philosopher.
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This volume features thirteen new critical essays on Audi by a distinguished group of authors: Fred Adams, William Alston, Laurence BonJour, Roger Crisp, Elizabeth Fricker, Bernard Gert, Thomas Hurka, Hugh McCann, Al Mele, Walter Sinnott ...
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The volume Rationality and Decision Making: From Normative Rules to Heuristics analyses rational and irrational decision making by individuals as well as by groups.
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This volume focuses instead on the relationships of reason and rationality to some relevant specific topics, i.e., science, knowledge, gender, politics, ethics, religion, aesthetics, language, logic, and metaphysics, trying to uncover and ...
essay on the rational comprehensive model from
Ranging from philosophical anthropology to aesthetics An Essay on Liberation attempts to outline—in a highly speculative and tentative fashion—the new possibilities for human liberation.
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In doing so, the essays engage topics within the philosophy of mind and action, epistemology, normative ethics and metaethics.