descriptions from
... DESCRIPTION Interbedded , multicolored MUDSTONE , MARLSTONE , and CHALK . There are several beds of carbonate - cemented , small pebble - granule - coarse sand CONGLOMERATE . All units are highly bioturbated . Dominant colors : CHALK 1 ...
descriptions from
... description conceals : philosophy as the redemption of method . Notes 1. Edmund Husserl , Logical Investigations , Vol . I , trans . J.N. Findlay , London : Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1970 , 262-63 . 2. Ibid . , 261-62 . 3. J. Parsons ...
descriptions from
... descriptions into groups based on the classification structure of the Federal Catalog System as described in the Cataloging Handbook H2-1 . Documents that do not fit into this code structure as assigned one of the following codes and ...
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... Description of the water at Blenheim . 78 XXXII . Of a river flowing through a wood . 81 Description of the water at Wotton . 84 XXXIII . Of a rill and a rivulet . XXXIV . Of cascades . 88 91 Of ROCKS . XXXV . Of the accompaniments ...
descriptions from
... . It would appear , therefore , as if Smeathman had an impression that the tree ants in their œconomy resembled Termes bellicosus . DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES . PLATE XIII . Fig . 102 Lieut . - Col . Sykes's Descriptions.
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... descriptions to interest the young , and be understood by all ; sufficiently accurate to obtain the approval of the scientific teacher . We do not claim for it the character of an educational manual , but that of an agreeable companion ...
descriptions from
... description however follows , and it is therefore impossible to say if the Professor intends it for this identical species . We must postpone any further observations on this family , and conclude by giving the original description ...
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Most churches don’t have written job descriptions for any or all of their church’s ministry positions! Here is your answer!
descriptions from
... Descriptions of twenty - five new species of Unionidæ from Georgia , Alabama , Mississippi , Tennessee and Florida . P '61 , 38 Descriptions of new species of Schizostoma , Anculosa and Lithasia . P '61 , 54 Description of a new ...
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... Description and His Wife's Self - Description 2. Discrepancy Between Wife's Self - Description and Her Description of Her Husband 3. Discrepancy Between Husband's Self - Description and His Description of His Wife 4. Discrepancy ...