... Castanha - do - pará , In : Conferência Nacional da Castanha , Anais . . . 419. Guilherme Bruzzi também apresentou propostas de embalagem , tida por ele como mais apropriada para o transporte da castanha - do - pará e que deveria ser ...
... castanha regions , a tree was observed which measured 10 feet in diameter . The tree is unique in appearance among ... castanha- producing regions . The " castanheiras " ( castanha trees ) of the two areas named flower from one to ...
... castanha ( the hectoliter is the official unit ) must pay 15 per cent of its official value as the State tax , proper and a 1 per cent tax which is collected for the benefit of the Bolsa , the proceeds from the latter tax being applied ...
This book debunks one of the greatest myths ever told in Caribbean history: that the indigenous peoples who encountered a very lost Christopher Columbus are 'extinct.
... ( castanha com casca ) e Cr $ 16,40 ( castanha sem casca ) 3 . O mecanismo do comércio da castanha pode assim ser resumido : Sediadas em Belém do Pará existem várias firmas exportadoras , que vendem para o exterior a castanha - do - pará ...
... castanha , the husk , or the rough prickly shells of chesnuts . Castanha do mato . See Hermodatilo . Castanha vebordãa , a small wild chesnut . Castanha pilada , a chesnut that has the shell taken off , and is so dried . Cór de casta ...
... Castanha and is little known in this country . It is almost axiomatic in our trade that any nut piece will sell and the greater the va- riety of nuts used in any " nut package " the greater The Brazil nut tree , or Castanha , is ...
... ( castanha ) . CASTANHA- DO - PARÁ 227 CASTANHA- EUROPÉIA 228 T Castanhal de Bertholletia excelsa , Gravura. B 1/4 m.n. A B de 70 % ) , com predominância de ácidos oléico e linoléico ; contudo , não encontra seu uso culinário ou ...
... castanha de Maranhão -- see castanha de Pará . castanha de Para-- a castanha or Brazil aut from a tree of the species excelsa , genus Bertholletia . castanha sapucaia -- a aut from the sapucaia ( Lecythis paraensis ) ; a paradise or ...