blog tips from
Earning a solid income from blogging is possible, but tricky; this book details proven techniques and gives aspiring bloggers the tools to succeed Even novices will learn to choose a blog topic, analyze the market, set up a blog, promote it ...
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Seventeen-year-old Violet Dancey is spending the Civil War with a new stepmother and stepsister and her young cousin when she comes upon a wounded Yankee soldier, Thomas, who is being kept alive by mysterious voodoo practitioners.
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Writing for the love of it, or to create something beautiful on the page, is absolutely worthwhile and critical to expand the sum of human expression. But I’m not here to talk about creativity or the craft of writing in this book.
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Written by veteran Scrivener trainer and novelist Gwen Hernandez, you'll learn to set up a new project, organize your research, track scene elements, create custom layouts, and more with this friendly Scrivener guide.
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This book provides these answers as well as: - Step-by-step tutorials of strategies that have proved successful (with over 30 screenshots) - Secrets used to increase earnings that haven't been shared before - Traffic generating techniques ...
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Charlotte's dream of a summer writing workshop in Venice with her favorite author brings the chance to investigate the mysterious poet in her family's past, meet fascinating new people, and learn truths about her idol.
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It’s about doing what matters to you. “I could not be more excited about this book.”—Jenna Fischer, actor and cohost of the Office Ladies podcast The chorus of “shoulds” is loud.
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See copy editors"?) The book includes helpful sections on e-mail etiquette, work-flow management, prioritizing, and organizing computer files. One chapter even addresses the special concerns of freelance editors.
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This text will be essential reading for PhD students and their supervisors in humanities, arts, social sciences, business, law, health and related disciplines.
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Combining solid principles of design with the tenets of Zen simplicity, this book will help you along the path to simpler, more effective presentations.