Zehneria marlothii from
... Zehneria marlothii parvifolia Cogn . = Zehneria parvifolia punctata Cogn . = Zehneria scabra subsp . scabra 8563000 DACTYLIANDRA Hook . f . 1. Meeuse . 1962. Bothalia 8 : 10-11 . luederitziana ( Cogn . ) Cogn . = D. welwitschii 100 ...
Zehneria marlothii from
... Zehneria marlothii ( Cogn . ) R.Fern . & A.Fern . scabra ( L.f. ) Sond . subsp . scabra 1. Cox , C.J. 1997. Zehnera . in European Garden Flora 5 : 299–300 . 2. Jeffrey , C. 1978. Zehneria . in Flora Zambesiaca 4 : 477–484 . 8568.000 ...
Zehneria marlothii from
... Zehneria marlothii parvifolia Cogn . = Zehneria parvifolia punctata Cogn . = Zehneria scabra subsp . scabra = MOMORDICA L. 8591000 ( 1 ) Meeuse . 1959. The Flowering Plants of Africa 33 : t . 1295 . ( 2 ) Meeuse . 1962. Bothalia 8 : 45 ...
Zehneria marlothii from
... Zehneria marlothii Xanthium sp. No common name Zeyheria tuberculosa Xanthocercis zambesiaca Nyala Tree Ziziphus abyssinica Ximenia americana Small Sourplum, Blue Sourplum Ziziphus mucronata Ximenia sp. Sourplum Ziziphus sp. Xylopia ...
Zehneria marlothii from
... Zehneria anomala Tropic of Capricorn Zehneria gilletii Tropic of Capricorn Tropic of Capricorn Tropic of Capricorn Zehneria hallii Zehneria keayana Zehneria marlothii ZEHNERIA Z. pallidinervia ( Harms ) C. Jeffrey Perennial creeper 469 ...
Zehneria marlothii from
... Zehneria scabra Z - 29 Indomelothria chlorocarpa Oijen Postar 75 Wag 17/05 ... Zehneria erythrobacca Widjaja 6961 L 15/08/1998 53.08 2 Z - 38 ... marlothii Breteler 11695 Wag 03/11/1992 14 102.9 2222222222-2 3 3 3 2 2 3311 ...
Zehneria marlothii from
Alison Heath, Roger Heath David Goyder. Zehneria marlothii ( Cogn . ) R.Fern . & A.Fern . Common names : Subiya ituhatuha , pekolola ; English donkey flower . Derivations : Zehneria for the Austrian botanical artist , Joseph Zehner ...