The TeleTravel System is based on the GSM-Standard. It collects data concerning travel behaviour automatically, prepares it, and stores it in a central data ...
Trip underreporting has long been a problem in household travel surveys due to the self-reporting nature of traditional survey methods.
Missing: Wulff, Sven
Self-administered mixed-mode surveys are increasingly used as an alternative to face-to-face surveys for collecting data from the general population.
Missing: Wulff, | Show results with:Wulff,
Designing and Fielding Population-Based Epidemiological Studies. Sven Stadtmüller, Christof Wolf, Arlene Fink.
Berufserfahrung: FMT Fahrbahnmarkierungstechnik GmbH · Standort: Deutschland · 5 Kontakte auf LinkedIn. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Sven Wulf auf LinkedIn ...
Jan 1, 2000 · We offer a sys- tematic literature analysis (N=69) of social acceptability in. HCI and contribute a better understanding of current research.
About the Lecturers: Sven Stadtmüller is a senior researcher at GESIS –Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and at the Frankfurt.
We investigated the uptake of several DOM sources in K. brevis CC-FWC126 using isotopic labeling techniques and quantification of photosynthetic activity.
Oct 11, 2022 · This chapter offers best practice recommendations for collecting survey data in epidemiological studies.
We engage in the science of neurodevelopmental conditions, particularly autism and ADHD. The research group is part of Center of Neurodevelopmental ...