Title, Portrait of an unidentified man. Creator, Crosby, George L., 1833-1877 or 1878 (Photographer). Type, Stillimage. Date, 1850-1899. Language, eng.
Missing: unknown | Show results with:unknown
Page 1. RELATIVELY SPEAKING. VIII EDITION by. W. B. HANDLEY. Page 2. 1. Table of Contents. Register Report of William Beaman ...
Name, William Staples. Christened, 20 Feb 1833, Compton Abbas, Dorset, England Find all individuals with events at this location. Gender, Male. Died, Yes, date ...
In his will, William mentions daughter Mary Jane Young, his son Alfred Loveless, and grandchildren, Jacob Loveless, William Handley Loveless and Jane Loveless ...
May 2, 2022 · Thomas John Handley. Birthdate: February 15, 1860. Birthplace: Richmond, New South Wales, Australia. Death: April 28, 1922 (62)
Michael Handley was born circa 1873, in birth place, to John Handley and Catherine Handley. Michael had 6 siblings: Ann Handley, William Handley and 4 other ...
Scope and Content: This collection includes copies of legal papers, speeches, and personal correspondence of Frederick W. Holliday. Family bibles, property ...
Handley, Francis William, 1909 to 1953 ; Handley, Frankie A. · 1855 to 1855 ; Handley, Helen, died 1912 ; Handley, Henry Edgar, 1858 to 1914.
Aug 28, 2011 · Will of Alexander Handley. Handley, Alexander - Will probated Sept. 1781. Names wife, Mary and children: "Little daughter, Martha Breaker", ...
Name: William Handley. 91. 1798 September 7. David Prentis, Williamsburg. Letter. Life in Kentucky, land prices and buying, son. David's trip down the Ohio ...