Bristol, June 3. Monday last was executed on St. Michael's Hill, pursuant to his Sentence, William Dillon Sheppard, for Sodomy. He behaved very penitent, and ...
Missing: Dilon Shepherd
Some Particulars Relating to the Life of William Dillon Sheppard, Who Was Executed at St. Michael's Hill Gallows, for Sodomy, on Monday the 1st of June, 1761.
Missing: Dilon Shepherd
Some particulars relating to the life of William Dillon Sheppard, Who was executed at St. Michael's Hill Gallows, for sodomy, on Monday the 1st of June, 1761.
Missing: Dilon Shepherd
Some particulars relating to the life of William Dillon Sheppard, who was executed at St. Michael's Hill gallows, for sodomy, on Monday the 1st of June, 1761.
Missing: Dilon | Show results with:Dilon
Some Particulars Relating to the Life of William Dillon Sheppard, Who Was Executed at St. Michael's Hill Gallows, for Sodomy, on Monday the 1st of June, ...
Missing: Dilon Shepherd
1761 May: William Dillon Sheppard was convicted of buggery and sentenced to be hanged. He was hanged at St Michael's Hill gallows (near the site of the ...
Missing: Dilon Shepherd
... 1761. William Dillon Sheppard. Convicted of the Horrid Crime of Felony and Buggery. Let him be hanged by the Neck until he shall be dead. Saturday 24 May ...
Missing: Dilon Shepherd
William Dilon Shepherd. Sodomy. Monday, 1 June 1761 ; Patrick Ward. Murder of Henry Morgan. Tuesday, 20 October 1761 ; After execution his body was hanged in ...
Some Particulars Relating to the Life of William Dillon Sheppard, Who Was Executed at St. Michael's Hill Gallows, for Sodomy, on Monday the 1st of June, 1761.
Missing: Dilon Shepherd
Nov 29, 2019 · ... Sodomy among the Poor. On the first of June 1761, William Dillon Sheppard was hanged for sodomy in Bristol. He had just arrived in the city ...
Missing: Dilon Shepherd