SAMUEL GILBERT, Indicted for Robbery. WILLIAM HOWARD Convicted of an Assault with Intent to Rob. WILLIAM BANKS Executed for Burglary.
Highway Robber, executed at Warwick Jail in 1713 for Robbery. JACK SHRIMPTON ... WILL OGDEN AND TOM REYNOLDS Housebreakers and Highwaymen. Executed at ...
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Robberies, and was executed at Tyburn in 1714 at the age of Sixteen ... WILLIAM SHELTON Executed at Tyburn, October 9, 1732, for highway robbery.
... highway robbery, this time for robbing a Mr. Gammon at Nettlebed, on ... "The person who committed this robbery is supposed to have had an accomplice ...
Highway Robber, executed at Warwick Jail in 1713 for Robbery. JACK SHRIMPTON ... Will, in order to rob his Wife and Child. HENRY SIMMS The Extraordinary ...
Gibbetting was reserved mainly for men convicted for armed robbery in gangs, and for robbing the mail coach. The body would be tarred and hung on a tall pole, ...
Upon the noise which this notorious robbery occasioned, Mulled Sack was apprehended; but through cunning, baffling the evidence, or corrupting the jury, he was ...
... highway robbery is no longer a profitable trade, in conse- quence of our paper currency and banking system, but chiefly from the establishment of an ...
Highway Robbery. O'Donnell. Michael. 1870. R. 304. January. Assault & Battery with ... Ogden. Charles. 1782. C. 32. August. Testify/Give evidence. Ogden. Esther.
... highway robbery, Bevius, Frederick, seven years, 09/08/1865. 1293, Green, Benjamin ... William S. New Haven, New Haven, theft, one year, six months, 07/27/1875.