The date of the execution Walter Marsh, who was to death the Derbyshire Assizes Wednesday for the murder his wife at Chesterfield, has not been fixed. Our ...
... Walter Marsh, who was sentenced to death Derbyshire Assizes last week for the murder of his wife Chesterfield ... Published: Tuesday 11 December 1906
Walter Marsh was convicted of the murder of his wife Eliza Marsh 22 and sentenced to death. He cut her throat with a razor on 9 July 1906.
Contains all known homicide convictions from England, Scotland and Wales in 1906. A fantastic resource for people that need a categorical reference for all ...
The most authoritative resource for homicide convictions from 1906 in the UK on the market. Cases include: John Shields Walter Marsh James Dagnall John ...
The most authoritative resource for homicide convictions from 1906 in the UK on the market. Cases include: John Shields Walter Marsh James Dagnall John ...
Clemena Gist, of this city, on trial here on a charge of murder, was acquitted yesterday, the jury being out fourteen hours. Mrs. Gist shot and killed Antonio ...
This list of unsolved murders includes notable cases where victims have been murdered under unknown circumstances. Contents. 1 1900–1924; 2 1925– ...
An extraordinary murder trial. in which one of the chief criminals is a dog, has just been concluded at Delemont, in the Canton of Soleure. ...
way from being a murderer, and just how much the description meant is difficult to tell. THE MURDER. Clarence Collins' Scheme. We do know that Clarence and ...