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Tropospheric ozone climatology over Beijing: analysis of aircraft data from the MOZAIC program. AJ Ding, T Wang, V Thouret, JP Cammas, P Nédélec. Atmospheric ...
Jan 4, 2008 · The tropospheric O3 over Beijing exhibits a common summer maximum and a winter minimum, with a broad summer maximum in the middle troposphere ...
This research focuses on regular in-situ measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) in the upper troposphere over the North Pacific. Utilizing the Pacific Greenhouse ...
Jul 1, 2000 · We present a statistical study on tropospheric layers as allowed by the most extensive ozone and water vapor database currently available.
Jan 21, 2010 · We suggest that the observed increase in springtime background ozone mixing ratio may hinder the USA's compliance with its ozone air quality ...
Examination of the atmospheric conditions associated with high and low summer ozone levels in the lower troposphere over the eastern Mediterranean. P. D. ...
The aircraft observations are complemented by satellite observations and modeling. The measurements will be used to improve the representation of UTLS chemical ...
Dec 18, 2021 · IAGOS Research Infrastructure for Global-Scale Atmosphere Monitoring by Instrumented Passenger Aircraft. Andreas Petzold, Valerie Thouret ...
TOAR's mission is to provide the research community with an up-to-date scientific assessment of tropospheric ozone's global distribution and trends.
IAGOS is unique in collecting regular in-situ observations of reactive gases, greenhouse gases and aerosol concentrations in the upper troposphere and lowermost ...