Thomas Smith  stealing 1765 from
... stealing . ] May Lee , Matthew - Not stated Do. Do. Sentence to be Slack , John Do. Do. Do. carried out . Smith , Thomas ... 1765 . CRIMINALS . PARDONS , & c .-- cont. 664 CALENDAR OF.
Thomas Smith  stealing 1765 from
... 1765 . CRIMINALS . PARDONS , & c . -. 1765 . Nature of Document . Name of Convict . Crime . Sentence . Cressey , Thomas Sheep- Storey , John stealing ... Smith , James Respite till April Holland , Thomas Highway rob- Death bery . Petty ...
Thomas Smith  stealing 1765 from
Thomas Smith (head master of the Classical sch, Peterborough). you have the book wrong side upwards . I know it , sir ... 1765 " " " " 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1 18 6 1766 " " 1 17 1767 99 1 18 6 1768 99 2 1 10 1769 39 " " 2 4 8 ...
Thomas Smith  stealing 1765 from
Peter Wilson Coldham. Smith , George . Smith , Henry . S March 1763 . S March ... Thomas . Smith , Thomas . Smith , William . South , Thomas . R 14 yrs July ... 1765 . Stokes , Elizabeth . S July 1750 . Stokes , Robert . Stone ...
Thomas Smith  stealing 1765 from
... stealing plaintiff's hog . Agnes Smith is about to remove for some time from the County , 21st August , 1762 ... Thomas Bullitt . - Plaintiff was enlisted 17th May , 1762 , in defendant's Company in Virginia Regiment . See papers withdrawn .
Thomas Smith  stealing 1765 from
... Thomas Galloway . James Galloway , named as a path - master of district No ... Smith Mapes , and Bethuel Mapes are all men- tioned before the Revolutionary ... 1765 overseer of highways for a district " from James Sears ' to ...
Thomas Smith  stealing 1765 from
... Thomas Hamnet (t17281204-34). 34. January 1731, trial of William Strutt (t17310115-21). 35. April 1765, trial of ... Smith (t18160214-71). 52. May 1687, trial of Elizabeth Roberts (t16870512-46); April 1727, trial of James ...
Thomas Smith  stealing 1765 from
... 1765 . Petition of Capt . Charles Lewis , Walter Cunningham , and Alexander M'Clanachan for pay for service under ... Smith , captain of a ranging company , was taken prisoner at Vauss's Fort on 25 June 1756 , carried to Canada ...
Thomas Smith  stealing 1765 from
... 1765. Eliza Moser's bond ( with Danl . Smith , Philip Harper ) as ... Thomas Jones ' estate appraised , by Jno . Logan , Wm . Kennedy , Saml ... stealing to her , and by these presents do declare that we are sorry for what we ...