This was a murder which also considerably engaged the public mind. Though in the commission of the act itself, there may be some extenuation afforded to the ...
Nov 4, 2015 · Then, on Thursday, a week after King's death, Théodore Gardelle ... Whatever the truth, Gardelle was convicted at Old Bailey for “wilful Murder” ...
Theodore Gardelle. Killing; murder. 1st April 1761. Cite this record. Report an error. Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 9.0) ...
Theodore Gardelle executed in the Hay Market near Panton Street, on Saturday [the] 4th Apl. 1761, for the murder of Mrs. King, at her house in Leicester Square.
Theodore Gardelle executed in the Hay Market near Panton Street, on Saturday [the] 4th Apl. 1761, for the murder of Mrs. King, at her house in Leicester ...
... murder of Mrs King, which Gardelle admits Cutting from the Whitehall Evening ... Gardelle, Théodore (1722–1761), murderer and painter. Authority record ...
^ The Gentleman's and London Magazine 1741 -- Page 145 "Some Account of Theodore Gardelle, who was lately executed for the murder of Anne King. THeodore ...
Apr 4, 2009 · King was missing, she was enquired after by one relation or friend; the murder was discovered by strangers, almost without solicitude or enquiry ...
The life of Theodore Gardelle, limner and enameller: with a particular description of the murder of Anne King; and the inhumane means taken to conceal the same.
Nov 26, 2023 · ... ! A murder and dismemberment story from 1761 is today's episode of Murderous Mondays Hosted by Robin Coles. #NewsofTheTimes ...