... Robert Hallam, Under Sentence of Death, for the Murder of his Wife Jane, ... the 6th of February, 1732. By James Guthrie, [Guthrie, James] on ...
Jun 8, 2024 · They were found guilty of both offences and sentenced to death! Robert Hallam, 14th January 1732 ... Murder! For God's Sake don't murder me! For ...
Executed at Tyburn, April 3rd, 1725, for the murder of his wife. CATHERINE HAYES Who with Others foully murdered her Husband, and was burned alive on 9th of May ...
... Robert Hallam, under sentence of death, for the murder of his wife Jane, then being big with child, upon Sunday, the 6th of February, 1732. By James Guthrie.
Video for Robert Hallam murder 1732
Oct 14, 2023 · Robert Hallam Executed on February 14 1732 for the murder of his wife and unborn child. In ...
Duration: 22:12
Posted: Oct 14, 2023
... Robert Hallam, Under Sentence of Death, for the Murder of His Wife Jane, Then Being Big with Child, Upon Sunday, the 6th of February, 1732. by James Guthrie ...
The Life, trial, and execution of Robert Hallam, convicted at the last Hampshire Assizes, for the wilful murder of his wife, who was big with child ...
The Tryal of Robert Hallam for Murdering his Wife Robert Hallam was indicted and convicted of the Murder ... Published: Thu 23 Mar 1732. Newspaper: Derby ...
Robert Hallam Executed on February 14, 1732 for the murder of his wife and unborn child. In these videos I tell the story of his life an crimes.
Executed at Tyburn, in the year 1731, for Murder. ROBERT HALLAM Executed for ... Pilloried for perjury, and pelted to death by the populace, 13th June, 1732.