Executed for murdering his wife, February 14th, 1732. Robert Hallam was a native of London, and intended by his parents for a maritime life, in preparation ...
Mar 26, 2015 · 1731: The trial of Robert Hallam for the murder of his heavily pregnant wife Jane who was thrown from a window and died of her injuries.
Two Men, viz. Robert Hallam and George Scroggs, were by the Jury found Guilty of capital Offences, and receiv'd Sentence of Death. While under Sentence, they ...
Feb 14, 2020 · The Sessions of the Old Bailey held on the 14th of January 1732 saw just two men receive death sentences, Robert Hallam for murdering his wife ...
Robert Hallam , of St. Ann's, in Middlesex , was indicted, for that he by a Devilish Instigation, and of his Malice afore-thought, on the 9th of December last ...
An Account of Robert Hallam who was hanged for murder. Hallam, Robert, -1732. 1810. Available Online. Formats. Add to Basket. Format. BibTeX, View · Download.
The life, trial &c. of Robert Hallam, convicted at the last Hampshire Assizes for the wilful murder of his wife, who was big with child .
The Life, trial, and execution of Robert Hallam, convicted at the last Hampshire Assizes, for the wilful murder of his wife, who was big with child.-book.
A Sermon Preach'd in the Chapel of Newgate, Upon the Particular Desire of Robert Hallam, Under Sentence of Death, for the Murder of his Wife Jane, ...
Robert Hallam Executed on February 14 1732 for the murder of his wife and unborn child. In these videos I tell the story of his life an crimes.