Inductive lanes that can wirelessly transfer power to moving electric vehicles is a research theme of worldwide interest. The goal is to provide on-the-road ...
Inductive lanes that can wirelessly transfer power to moving electric vehicles is a research theme of worldwide interest. ... Andres Augusto Nogueiras Melendez ...
Feb 6, 2019 · Inductive lanes that can wirelessly transfer power to moving electric vehicles is a research theme of worldwide interest.
Feb 6, 2019 · Inductive lanes that can wirelessly transfer power to moving electric vehicles is a research theme of worldwide interest. The goal is to provide ...
Development of an IoT System with Smart Charging Current Control for Electric Vehicles. RA Sousa, V Monteiro, JC Ferreira, AAN Melendez, JL Afonso, JA Afonso.
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A novel multi-objective off-board EV charging station for smart homes · Development of an IoT system with smart charging current control for electric vehicles.
Abstract—The experimental validation of a novel architecture of an off-board, three-phase fast battery charger for electric vehicles (EVs) with innovative ...
Electric Vehicles On-Board Battery Charger for the Future Smart Grids. Download book PDF. Vítor Monteiro,; João C. Ferreira,; Andrés A. Nogueiras Meléndez & …
Jan 25, 2021 · Ferreira, Andrés A. Nogueiras. Meléndez, João L. Afonso, “Electric Vehicles On-Board. Battery Charger for the Future Smart Grids,” in.
Ferreira, Andrés A. Nogueiras Meléndez, João L. Afonso, “Electric Vehicles. On-Board Battery Charger for the Future Smart Grids,” in Technological Innovation ...