Lobostemon lucidus from
... winterrainfall areas, from Namaqualand to the Eastern Cape. Flowering time: Aug–Oct. (echioides = prominent stamens resembling Echiostachys) Lobostemon echioides Lobostemon lucidus VU Small shrub up to 30cm. Leaves stalkless,
Lobostemon lucidus from
... 25 mm long that are hairy outside ; the staminal scales are ridge - like without lateral lobes and the style is hairy . Sandy flats in Namaqualand and the southwestern Cape . 6 Lobostemon lucidus J FMAMJJASOND Shrublet , 20-30 cm ,
Lobostemon lucidus from
... Lobostemon inconspicuus Levyns U ( D e Lobostemon lucidus Buek Lobostemon muirii Levyns U e כ כ U e כ כ ס כ כ כ U U U U U BRUNIACEAE Audouinia capitata Brongn . V e V Berzelia dregeana Colozza R e R Berzelia ecklonii Pillans R e R ...
Lobostemon lucidus from
... Lobostemon lævigatus . E. LEVIGATUM Lam . = Lobostemon glaucophyllus . E. LASIOPHYLLUM Link Lobostemon lasiophyllus . E. LONGIFLORUM Bertol . Moltkia angustifolia . E. LUCIDUM Lehm . Lobostemon lucidus . = E. PANICULATUM Thunb . Lobostemon ...
Lobostemon lucidus from
... Lobostemon capitatus . caudatum . Thunb . Lobostemon caudatus . clavatum . Willd hrb . 2 Sibiria . ( cfr . E. rubrum ... lucidus . lusitanicum . Lin . Hispan . Lusit . S. 47. Dr. 50 . E. australe . Lam . ( sec . Loisl . ) E ...
Lobostemon lucidus from
... Lobostemon fruticosus . Lobostemon argenteus . Lobostemon glaber . 1 E. GLABRUM Thunb . Lobostemon glaucophyllus . E ... lucidus . E. PANICULATUM Thunb . Lobostemon paniculatus . E. PANICULATUM Drège E. PAPILLOSUM Thunb . E ...
Lobostemon lucidus from
... Lobostemon lævigatus , Lobostemon glaucophyllus . Lobostemon lasiophyllus . Moltkia angustifolia . Lobostemon lucidus . Lobostemon paniculatus . Lobostemon paniculæformis . E. PAPILLOSUM Thunb . Lobostemon Swartzii . E. PETRÆUM Tratt ...
Lobostemon lucidus from
10. E. FRUTICOSUM Linn . Lobostemon fruticosus . E. FRUTICOSUM Jacq . Lobostemon argenteus . E. GLABRUM Vahl ... lucidus . E. PANICULATUM Thunb . Lobostemon paniculatus . E. PANICULATUM Drège = Lobostemon paniculæformis . E ...