... highway occurred in Hertfordshire, and to a Hertfordshire man. This was James Snook, who had formerly been a ... 1802 for robbing the Tring mail. He was capitally convicted and ordered to be executed near the place where the ...
... robbery . - James Snook was indicted for feloniously affault- ing on the king's highway John Stevens , the post ... 1802 . 225 dug out of the ruins: fome miferably ...
... James Snook committed this Robbery . He is a Native / Hunger Ard , where die ... Highwaymen : Or if any Perfon concerned therein will Jarrender kim- felf ... Snooks the usual penalty for mail was executed in 1802 . ROBERT SNOOKS. 23.
... robbery . - James Snook was indicted for felonioufly affault- ing on the king's highway ... robber as to be able to identify the perfon of the prifoner ; but the following chain of circum.lantial evidence was fub- mitted to the ... 1802 . 225.
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